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The PPJ Gazette

According to “The Great American Tax Dodge”, the IRS is far more apt to go after middle-income non-filers and does not fully investigate affluent non-filers. The IRS uses the lame excuse that the rich may under-state the taxes owed and that the IRS w

News Link • Global Reported By Marti Oakley
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Wells is coming in trying to foreclose on the property, claiming that the debtor (homeowner) isn't paying and thus can be evicted. A totally normal thing, right? Well, it would be, except that Wells is unable to prove it owns the note.

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Increasingly, consumer lawyers are recognizing that they can often successfully challenge foreclosures in which the loan was securitized by examining whether the party trying to foreclose really has the standing to do so, which is legal-speak for...

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"I came to America because the opportunity was here. That opportunity is slowly sliding away for others. The government is squeezing everyone. I'm getting squeezed with new tax enforcement and new regulations. America is decaying from within.