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Political Parties

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Article Image, by Patrick J. Buchana

With Hillary Clinton scrambling to explain her missing emails, much of America is wailing, "Please don't make us watch this movie again!"

Article Image, By Patrick J. Buchanan

If the sadists of ISIS are seeking -- with their mass executions, child rapes, immolations, and beheadings of Christians -- to stampede us into a new war in the Middle East, they are succeeding.

Article Image, by Mark Krikorian R

Kevin is self-evidently correct in endorsing Giuliani's assertion that President Obama doesn't love America.

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Kent Hovind is a creation-science evangelist and Baptist minister who has already served eight years of a ten-year prison sentence for alleged tax evasion. Kent has a master's degree in education. He founded and operated Creation Science Evangelism

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Kent Hovind is a creation-science evangelist and Baptist minister who has already served eight years of a ten-year prison sentence for alleged tax evasion. Kent has a master's degree in education. He founded and operated Creation Science Evangelism

Article Image, by Paul Rosenberg

Those of us who pursue positive change are very often frustrated. We see the necessity of change all too clearly, and we can explain how it should come about, but it never seems to happen. It's a discouraging situation.

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In the poem, "The Masque of Pandora," Henry Wadsworth Longfellow has Prometheus saying, "Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad." Accordingly, the would-be gods in the GOP leadership in Washington, D.C., must have rank-and-file Repu

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The hit song by Sonny and Cher is an apt description of what happens in Washington, D.C. I'm referring to their Top 10 hit song, "The Beat Goes On." No matter which party controls Congress, the beat goes on. No matter which party's candidate

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That America is spiraling on a collision course with calamity seems certain. We seem to be ignoring virtually all of the lessons of history, and, well, you know what one fellow said about the folly of doing that. I join the consensus of patriots and