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Mondo Frazier

Lisa Murkowsi's claim that she only wants to serve Alaskans is one of the themes of her write-in campaign to remain in DC. Reminds of us another who only wanted to serve.

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The only way to defeat these bastards is to counter-attack immediately, and mercilessly: don’t let them get away with it for one moment. The very idea of forbidding the building of a mosque, or any religious edifice, is anti-American to the core...

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The other problem with these numbers is that in order to file for jobless benefits you must have had a job for a continual (and substantial) period of time - typically four quarters (one year) prior to being laid off. Therefore, "re-layoffs" don't..

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Amnesty's report on Thursday described North Korea's health care system in shambles, with doctors sometimes performing amputations without anesthesia and working by candlelight in hospitals lacking essential medicine, heat and power.
