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Article Image, Washington's Blog

Preface: As part of our ongoing effort to expose propaganda techniques, we are posting the propaganda section of the Hasbara Handbook: Promoting Israel on Campus, originally leaked by Wikispooks.

Article Image

Having served Washington's propaganda purposes, the downed Malaysian airliner and the alleged Russian armored column that entered Ukraine and was allegedly destroyed have dropped out of the news even though both stories remain completely and totally

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By supporting the ability of front line screening agencies to positively identify known or suspected terrorists trying to obtain visas, enter the country, board aircraft, or engage in other activity, the consolidated Terrorist Watchlist ......

Article Image, Paul Craig Roberts

The extraordinary propaganda being conducted against Russia by the US and UK governments and Ministries of Propaganda, a.k.a., the "Western media," have the purpose of driving the world to war that no one can win.