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Drug War

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A man suspected of killing a New Hampshire police chief and wounding 4 other officers was found dead along with a female acquaintance. The officers were part of the state attorney general's drug task force and were trying to serve a search warrant

Article Image, By George F. Will

Amelioration of today’s drug problem requires Americans to understand the significance of the 80-20 ratio. Twenty percent of American drinkers consume 80 percent of the alcohol sold here. The same 80-20 split obtains among users of illicit drugs.

Article Image, By Stephen C. Webster

A man in Philadelphia was charged last weekend with possessing drugs with the intent to distribute after police claimed they discovered 89 individual bags of marijuana tied to his penis.

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New York Times

But the large health care system here that Dr. Trescott helps manage has placed controls on how painkillers are prescribed, like making sure doctors do not prescribe too much. Doctors on staff have been told to abide by the guidelines or face the con

Article Image, Lori Preuitt and Christie Smith

Monday's raid was the latest move by the federal government to crack down on California's thriving medical marijuana industry.

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For the first time 3 Central American Leaders defied the US and send a strong and clear message: we consider the war on drugs failed, we demand that US takes the responsibility, we demand the US pays, we are not paying the price for US failure.

Article Image, by Joseph T. Salerno

Under cover of its multiplicity of fabricated wars on drugs, terror, tax evasion, and organized crime, the US government has long been waging a hidden war on cash.

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by Laurence M. Vance,

Televangelist and founder of the Christian Coalition Pat Robertson, with whom I have major theological, philosophical, and political differences, recently said something that even I must acknowledge was important, truthful, and courageous.

Article Image, By Josh Harkinson

The lobbyist who helped kill California's Proposition 19, the 2010 ballot measure that would have legalized recreational marijuana, has constructed an entire business model around keeping pot illegal.
