Independence Day (Part 1)
• Christine Smith's BlogFreedom is your birthright.
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Freedom is your birthright.
As Americans begin to survey the extensive damage unfolding around them, the United States federal government looks in the mirror and is horrified. America's freedom fighters, creditors, and victims might welcome this monumental turning point.
Most of us are now aware that our good friend, and fellow patriot, Michael Maresco is preparing for another historic trek, of the two-wheeled variety, across this great nation of ours.(You didn't know!?!)
I recently received an e-mail from someone complaining that I was giving Obama a hard time, even though he was doing his best to help us all out of our current situation. The e-mail was heartfelt and sincere (though I'm not entirely sure whi
Most Americans would scoff at the assertion they have made the government into a god, but a look at their dependency on the federal government and loyalty to it prove otherwise.
Fearful of the unknown future, many people look to anyone promising comfort. This, of course, plays right into the politicians’ hands.
"I found these 6 articles to be particularly powerful, and important to share with others. They are some of the best of this past month packed with logic, reason, and facts."
I have been Banned? Thats a very real denial of my first amendment rights,isn`t it? Is this how you treat your fellow Americans? If so! I`m am very happy to NOT be a part of your communist blog. If not! Tell me why you have banned me from thi
Read LetterVarious forums, blogs and social networking sites on the interwebs are frantically communicating to each other about the ‘hijacking’ of Ron Paul’s grassroots movement by neo-liberal and neo-conservative crusaders.
Fear isn’t just used by politicians to manipulate citizens, in fact, it is most commonly used by those closest to one who sadly feel a need to control what another individual does in his or her life.
I distinguish here four categories of unethical acts and note that the most harmful in our society are those in which the decision to act unethically is the result of ignorance or misunderstanding concerning basic ethical principles. In particul
Our country has been torn apart, the economy destroyed and our national defense and dignity run-down by foreign and domestic special interest. Our people sold false hopes and dreams that are materializing as nightmares.
I am talking about those people who worship government and turn to it and its innate use of force when confronted with a problem they don´t understand or refuse to get personally involved in.
"Notice how all these assholes who are giving these talks, they're saying exactly the same thing Ron Paul said last year?"
Give them jobs, healthcare, education & a retirement. Protect them from repercussions of their poor financial decisions. Cover them from cradle to grave. Is this what America has become, a nation of weaklings?
Don’t be inhibited. Live your life, what you say and do, without regard to what anyone else thinks. To be libertarian in a society as ours should be looked at enthusiastically because there’s so many opportunities.
Collectors of pop icon memorabilia and fans of the stalwart radio talk show personality Alex Jones will be interested in an item up for auction on eBay.
is there a way of emailing Dave Hodges, or does he have a website?
Read LetterThis absurd election is a prime example of such conformity....To vote for someone based on their race, sex, or political party is to succumb to herd mentality....
We are told we must give up our values, traditions and beliefs to accept a new socialist economic program of total government control and central planning just like the former Soviet Union employed.
Are you, too, part of the problem?
Our purpose is to create music that awakens closed minds and leads people to take a critical look at what is happening to our world. We hope those who listen will be able to recognize and stand up against the oppression that threatens us as individua
(Excellent article I highly recommend.- C. Smith)
Excellent article I highly recommend! "...Few friends of liberty are willing to recognize forthrightly just how formidable are the legions that oppose us and therefore how close to hopeless is our cause. In the United States today the enemies of lib
Excellent article I highly recommend! ...Few friends of liberty are willing to recognize forthrightly just how formidable are the legions that oppose us and therefore how close to hopeless is our cause. In the United States today the enemies of libe
Setting the record 'straight' with my first video production, and putting the "LOVE" back in Revolution... "People Are People"!! Please rate and comment...
Reagan got his shot because of new technology: his famous TV speech, late in the Goldwater campaign, which was paid for by the Goldwater campaign. It has been known ever since as "The Speech." It is a good speech on paper. On radio, it was powerful
We live in a country in which the president effectively wields the same power here in the United States that he wields in Iraq, given his belief that the entire world, including the United States, is a battlefield in the “war on terror.”