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Economy - International

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Politics has long been a driver of international markets and fickle financial systems alike. Everything is connected. Here are some voices from the just-concluded Casey Research Fall Summit talking about cause, effect, and war.

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The drip-drip-drip of Fed-induced inflation is hardly felt by most Americans even on an annual basis; but take a step back over a generation of currency debasement and it becomes clear. As the following image shows, the cost of living since 1938 has,

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Argentina is already foreclosed from international capital markets, so it doesn't have much to lose by thwarting the US court system. Similar bold moves by Ecuador and Iceland have left those countries in substantially better shape than Greece, whi

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One of the biggest fast food giants, Burger King, is now "divorcing" America and re-establishing its business in Canada. Mark analyzes the Government's reaction and possible implications for any corporation that may decide to move its headquart

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The "elephant in the room" is debt. Try as they might, central bankers have not been able to spur credit, hiring, or much business expansion because of the elephant. Things are even worse in Europe.

Article Image, Walter Kurtz

With Argentina's private sector in disarray, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner's government has been forced to increasingly bail out failing businesses, particularly importers that are critical to Argentina's stability.

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