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Voting and Elections

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Call them Democrats vs Republicans in the US, or New Democrats vs Conservatives here in Canada. Ask any random sample of citizens, and the answer would almost certainly be the same: voters for these parties are representatives of big divides

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Brad Blog

The co-founder of Smartmatic, parent company of Sequoia [yes, that Sequoia] died in a plane crash shortly after takeoff from Caracas when both engines failed. Three other employees were killed, as well as two on the ground.

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Somewhere in America, there's a place where living daily life is more important than politics. That place might be Dedron, Virginia--where the whole town forgot there was an election.

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This former Maricopa County Assessor was targeted by the political machine here in Arizona. Found innocent after a lengthy trial, he is still targeted by those that use media and influence to get their way. I'm close to doing my own "investi

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by Mike Wasdin

While watching the MTV debate, I noticed that since this was a younger group of people that all the questions were about “if elected, what can I expect from government?”

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The Crypt

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced the Senate will not clear 4 new appointees for the Federal Election Commission, meaning the watchdog panel on political campaigns cannot function during the critical election-year period.

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Bill Risner

Bill Risner was on John C Scott radio show and Bill nailed the problems we voters have with Pima County Board of Sups, their Election Department and billshit vote stealing Diebold Equipment. And we both know that Maricopa is no better.

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Unions and businesses may pay for TV and radio "issue ads" that name candidates in the days before elections easing previous restrictions and opening the way for interest groups to influence next year's elections with big-money advertis

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Journal Gazette(Indiana)

The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to decide whether the Indiana legislature violated the Constitution when it passed a law requiring Hoosiers to produce a picture ID before they vote. The justices will hear the case next year as the 2008

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The Florida Democratic Party, despite threats from the Democratic national Committee to reject the state's delegates from its 2008 nominating convention, is going ahead with plans to hold its presidential primary on Jan. 29.

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