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Last time we checked in on the bizarro nexus between cannabis and terrorism, it was none other than actor/director Tommy Chong who was feeling the Bush administration's post-9/11 wrath. In fact, the stoner icon, whose fabled act was concurrently

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McClathcy Newspapers

Iraq's deadly insurgent groups have financed their war against US troops in part with hundreds of thousands of dollars in US rebuilding funds that they've extorted from Iraqi contractors in Anbar province. The payments, in return for the ins

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The Bush administration told a newly formed appeals court that discrepancies between the nation's new terrorism law and the way it is being carried out should not stall one of the Pentagon's first terror trials. Government attorneys urged to

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LA Times

An Israeli intelligence agent whose earlier testimony linked a US-based Islamic charity to Hamas acknowledged Thursday that none of the overseas charities it supported has appeared among hundreds of names on US government terrorist lists.

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Jose Padilla, a U.S. convert to Islam once accused by the Bush administration of plotting a radiological "dirty bomb" attack, was convicted on Thursday of unrelated charges he offered his services to terrorists. Padilla, 36, faces a poss

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McClatchy News

A 38-year-old cameraman for the Arabic news network al Jazeera, Hajj has been imprisoned as an “enemy combatant” at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for five years, but never charged with any crime. He was arrested by Pakistani police in

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A deep split has emerged within al-Qa'eda over the wisdom of the terror network's drive to overthrow and kill Pakistan's president Pervez Musharraf, according to radical Pakistani Islamists allied to the terror network.

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Wall St. Journal

Following the 9/11 attacks, the bank also set off an intense debate within the US government over whether to take strong action against its alleged role in extremist finance. Confidential reports by the CIA and other US agencies

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LA Times

Nearly six years after it shut down the nation's largest Islamic charity for alleged ties to terrorism, the U.S. government begins the high-stakes prosecution this week of five top officials of the Holy Land Foundation, accused of funneling money

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Christian Science Monitor

The three are facing charges that they plotted to spread violent jihad through a murderous campaign around the world. But federal prosecutors say it is unnecessary to link the terror suspects to an actual plan of terror.

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Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf's moment of triumph was brief. Even before his soldiers had overrun the Lal Masjid, or Red Mosque -- a complex in the heart of the normally sleepy capital of Islamabad that had been occupied by extremists
