The clueless pawns who imagine themselves "leaders" of the conservative movement are so busy conjuring far-fetched visions of Sharia law taking over America, that they’re caught flat-footed when the real holier-than-thou warriors take up arms...
It’s not an endorsement Barack Obama probably expected — or wanted — but Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol gave the president high marks for his recent foreign policy gestures declaring Obama “a born-again neo-con.”
For all those out there cheering the union busting, where was your bravado, your passion, when Wall Street and the gangster banksters were robbing the American taxpayer and bringing the country to the edge of collapse with their corruption? I’ll tell
The new Enemy: Muslims. The Fifth Column: the many Muslim organizations, and the several thousand mosques in the US, along with the entire Muslim-American population. The witch-hunt was back on, and there was more money in it than ever.
The not-so-gradual resurrection of the old neo-con cabal under the Obama administration, led by Hillary Clinton, should not come as a surprise. According to Washington insiders, Richardl Perle and Douglas Feith have been consulted more than a few...
The global banking cartel, centered at the IMF, World Bank and Federal Reserve, have paid off politicians and dictators the world over — from Washington to Greece to Egypt. In country after country, they have looted national economies...
Establishment Republicans exploited a gullible Tea Party movement in order to get the neocon agenda of forever war against manufactured Muslim enemies back on track.
He is bringing before an audience of millions the message we have been sending from these sites for nearly a decade — that the global Islamic jihad against the West has formed a working alliance with the secular socialist left both at home and abroad
IF Egypt, or the other states who are without doubt in the same line of teetering dominoes, falls, Senor raises the non-negotiable need to “deploy resources” — that’s code for invasion.
What I do know is this: if we don’t raise our voices, we are lost. This country is rapidly approaching the point when such activities as we are engaged in on this web site, and beyond it, are the target of government harassment, disruption, and...
Neoconservative advisers to President Bush took the attitude that " 'we're gonna change mosques into cathedrals,' " Hersh, a writer for the New Yorker magazine, said. "That's an attitude that pervades, I'm here to say, a large percentage of the Joint
"The war that is being fought now, the great global conflict in the world, from Iraq to Afghanistan to Gaza, this is one war and it is a religious war," May explained.
"The problem is that the United States government has labeled the Mujahedeen Khalq a 'foreign terrorist organization,' making it a crime to provide it, directly or indirectly, with any material support," he wrote
At its core, the Wikileaks controversy serves as a diversion from the real issue of what our foreign policy should be. But the mainstream media, along with neoconservatives from both parties, insists on asking the wrong questions. When presented with
Currency wars. Terrorist attacks. Military conflicts. Rogue regimes pursuing nuclear weapons. Collapsing states. And now, massive leaks of secret documents. What is the cause of such turbulence? The absence of empire.
The Founding Fathers of our country declared unequivocally that the executive, legislative, and judicial branches were co-equal, However, the Republican brownshirts who comprise the Federalist Society have implanted the society’s demonic ideology...
Former Hillary Clinton campaign adviser and current public relations executive Mark Penn suggested that President Obama needs a moment "similar" to the tragic terrorist attack on the Oklahoma City federal building, in order to "reconnect" with voters
With republicans back in control, it was only a matter of time before the military-industrial complex reminded the world of its existence. It took about 72 hours...
Newt Gingrich came to speak courtesy of Denver’s own terrorism museum called The C.E.L.L. to promote the Global War on Terror and talk about his less-than-totally-secret plans to possibly make a run for president in 2012. M4F and WACC were there.
"And what that sends to my generation is (the message that) one day, you can just wake up and run for Senate, no matter how lack of experience you have." The horror!! Yeah, and your pops has done such a bang-up job.
Attorney Ben Quayle (R), son of former Vice President Dan Quayle is running for the U.S. Congressional (District-3) seat in Arizona. Here young Ben is outed as a creation of and backing by the Neocons.
In retreat, and discredited on the right as well as in the eyes of the country at large, these dead-ender neocons are lashing out at the alleged “Calvinists” of the tea party, who are threatening to take away their expensive toys.
Now, it turns out, Rand is looking to mend fences. He made a quiet pilgrimage and met privately with some of Washington's most influential neocons, as well as the pro-Israel lobby, delivering them a not-too-subtle message: Never mind my...
Sarah Palin is a neocon Stepford wife. As Justin Raimondo noted back in November of 2008, Sarah had her head stuffed with neocon talking points in the lead-up to the election when she was John McCain’s running mate. “Strapped to a chair and...
The man who stopped his Presidential Campaign in 2008 to make sure billions of tax payer dollars were used to bail out irresponsible Wall Street firms and banks, also likes to show his support for paid advocacy groups funded by Redflex and ATS.
They are immune to argument, unable and unwilling to understand how militarism and imperialism are killing us and dragging us down into financial and moral bankruptcy. Sprung from the nexus of economics and foreign interventionism...
In a speech Thursday before the conservative American Enterprise Institute, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich charged that the United States had failed to take George W. Bush's 2002 "axis of evil" speech seriously when it ignored...
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