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Federal Reserve

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All it takes is one piece of bad news – a credit rating downgrade, for example – to trigger a sell-off. And it is not just inflation that bond investors fear. Foreign holders of US debt – and they account for 47% of federal debt in public hands...

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This cartoon is from a few years ago. I think it is not only relevant today, but will likely strike a stronger chord with more people since things are progressing in this direction.

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Frederick Sheehan via The Daily Reckoning

We wince at congressional ineptitude but in one category legislative aptitude is improving: propaganda. The on-again, off-again finance bill (it’s on-again) was described by the Wall Street Journal as “the most extensive remapping of financial regula

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Wall Steet Journal

After fending off challenges to its independence and winning new powers to oversee big financial firms, the Federal Reserve has emerged from a bruising debate on the overhaul of US financial rules as the pre-eminent regulator in the sector.

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A fading recovery, persistently high unemployment, Europe's debt troubles and commercial real estate losses. But Fed officials are talking more about another trouble zone -- recession-hit U.S. state and local government finances.

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The US sovereign debt gets a stiff downgrade, cut down from number one in the world, to a distant thirteenth place. Governments like China do not take actions like this randomly, and their quasi-state organizations do not march to the beat...

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My theory is that the money has floated into the Treasury market. A lot of people have wondered how the Treasury would be able to continue running record deficits without the Fed buying. Well, we now know that the banks are picking up a lot of slack.

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The US has a stay of execution while the European crisis unfolds, but at some point the nasty fiscal arithmetic will get everyone, including the U.S… Treasuries are a safe haven the way Pearl Harbor was a safe haven in 1941. It’s safe until it’s not