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France does share a border with Germany, but when Hitler permanently renounced any claims to the disputed Alsace-Lorraine region in 1935, a possible flash-point between the two rivals was diffused forever. Another potential trigger was diffused

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If we wish to grasp American life in the 19th century, it's probably best to start by understanding that when America was young, it had no myth. Once we really understand that, the rest falls into place fairly easily.

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It's the Fifteenth century. Two Indian warriors are standing on a bluff, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. They're from different tribes and they're fighting, hammer and nails, tooth and claw, spear and tomahawk, over some non-trivial matter when

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Supporters of eugenics believe people inherit mental illness, criminal tendencies and even poverty, and that these conditions can be 'bred out' of the human gene pool through forced sterilization. Not surprisingly, 'undesirable' traits were c


1887: Thomas Edison invents the wax cylinder phonograph based on his research with the telephone and telegraph, capturing sound through horns and then inscribing the vibrations from that sound onto material. That process is then reversed when people

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America, 1960 -- A great tragedy of our era is that young people have no feeling of what Western civilization was like. In the government owned and operated schools where they sat for years, they were presented with a litany of the West's failures,

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The dismantling of Western civilization ran from the middle of the Enlightenment to about 1967. Since then, it has been aggressively uprooted and burnt. (See FMP #90 and here for details.) Western civilization still continues in the hearts and minds

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The industrial revolution had transformed the profession of arms, but in their martial illusions the French re-fought the battles of Napoleon I. They saw la grande guerre as it had been depicted in florid paintings of la Grande Armée, with picture-b