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The Black Lives Matter movement has accelerated a reckoning across Europe about the legacies of slavery and imperialism, nowhere more urgently than in Britain, which presided over the largest empire in world history. The Colston statue stood on Colst

Article Image, by L. Neil Smith

I don't really know when or how I first became interested in history. I remember memorizing the names of every Roman emperor, on my own, when I was taking Latin in 7th Grade, but I don't exactly remember why.

Article Image by L. Neil Smith

I don't really know when or how I first became interested in history. I remember memorizing the names of every Roman emperor, on my own, when I was taking Latin in 7th Grade, but I don't exactly remember why.

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That year is such a noticeable inflection point in so many data sets, that an intriguing website has been created to drive the point home. The website is a parade of data series visually showing how the world changed that y

Article Image - Dr Mercola

Now 83 years old, Breggin has seen a lot, and in this interview, he shares his own evolution and experiences as a psychiatrist. His interest in psychiatry began at the age of 18, when he became a volunteer at a local state mental hospital.

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Göring promptly began using the Gestapo to silence Hitler's political opponents in Berlin and surrounding areas and also to enhance his own personal power. Much to his delight, Göring discovered that the old Prussian state police had kept many sec

Article Image, by Jacob G. Hornberger

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the democratic election in Chile of Salvador Allende, a self-proclaimed socialist who was, three years later, ousted from power in a CIA-inspired coup and replaced with a violent and brutal rightwing military g
