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...I wanna read you a quote and it's from a book called The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, who lived through and suffered under the Stalin era in the former Soviet Union, where Stalin simply arrested anybody, who didn't agree with the g

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The Atlantic

Social codes are changing, in many ways for the better. But for those whose behavior doesn't adapt fast enough to the new norms, judgment can be swift--and merciless.

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Apparently, they were like the Jewish tribe of Levi, for they exercised priestly functions. Herodotus says that, whenever a Persian wanted to sacrifice an animal to the gods, he would cut it up and then "a magus comes near and chants over it the so

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James really wrote that all people were from the lost continent of Mu. They all enjoyed a high level of civilization and were educated, fed and clothed in a peaceful society. Where did the people not on the continent of Mu come from? If everyone cam

Article Image by Candace Owens

Slavery didn't start in 1492 when Columbus came to the New World. And it didn't start in 1619 when the first slaves landed in Jamestown. It's not a white phenomenon. The real story of slavery is long and complex. Candace Owens explains.
