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Homeland Security

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The increasingly secretive - and militarized - police forces. Throughout the land there are initiatives being pushed to prevent you, the average citizen, from video or audio-taping your encounters with law enforcement. Why?

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Libertarians have never had an easier job exposing the true nature of government. The TSA has unwittingly handed us a wonderful teaching opportunity. If the best way to make a vegetarian is a tour of the slaughter house, videos of the TSA are a great

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If we do not act to end TSA and the government's attempted blackmail of the State of Texas-Immediately; then it is clear that what the public here will be facing will become very much like what has been happening to Palestine for 64 years...

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Bottom line: truth tellers who give Americans too much insight on any number of issues are vulnerable to a vast arsenal of judicial weapons typically associated with China or Mynamar.