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Article Image by Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Dennis McKenna discuss the science behind psychedelics, the entities found through the looking glass, the current pharmaceutical approach to long life, and why it needs to change.

Article Image by Jordan Peterson

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Dennis McKenna discuss the science behind psychedelics, the entities found through the looking glass, the current pharmaceutical approach to long life, and why it needs to change.

Article Image, By Michael Irving

Brain cancer is one of the most insidious forms of the disease, but researchers at Stanford have now developed a wireless device that could help improve survival times. When implanted between the skin and skull, the remotely activated device heats up

Article Image, By MELISSA KOENIG

Woke pledge replaces Hippocratic oath: Minnesota medical students vow to 'honor all Indigenous ways of healing historically marginalized by Western medicine' and fight 'white supremacy, colonialism, gender binary, ableism and all forms of oppression'
