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New York Times

The first trickle of federal funds has started to go out after Hurricane Sandy — $29 million to rebuild highways, $30 million to hire temporary workers to help with the cleanup. But lawmakers are just beginning to tally what is certain to be a multib

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The Sideshow

Buckyballs, the popular magnetic desktop toy (for grown-ups!), are being discontinued by Maxfield & Oberton, who released a snarky statement explaining why. "Due to baseless and relentless legal badgering by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission

Article Image, by Thomas Knapp

When pundits name-check “the welfare-warfare state,” we usually mean, and are usually understood to mean, something along the lines of “bread and circuses at home, military adventurism abroad.”

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by L. Neil Smith (The Libertarian Enterprise)

We have reached that point in the election cycle— hardly for the first time—where we are compelled to choose between voting for the lesser of two or three or four evils and not voting at all.