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Big Pharma

Article Image, Paul Craig Roberts

It is a proven undeniable fact that if given early, hydroxychloroqine (HCQ) given with azithromycin and zinc will cure coronavirus. It is a proven undeniable fact that hydroxychloroquine is safe. It is an approved medicine and has been in use for 6

Article Image by RonPaulLibertyReport

A viral video made by medical professionals opposing the prevailing mainstream view of how to manage the coronavirus outbreak was nearly sent down the memory hole in an effort seemingly coordinated by all social media outlets. Why are alternate scien

Article Image, CBS

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said that people may need multiple doses of a coronavirus vaccine to be immunized from the coronavirus. Multiple doses could require more than 7 billion vaccinations to be administered worldwide. He said that in order

Article Image, The HighWire with Del Bigtree

As the biggest financial contributor of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates and his philosophy on world population growth has come under fire, along with his global push for vaccines. Del sifts through Bill's previous TED talks and promotion

Article Image, By Malcolm Kendrick

Evidence that a cheap, over-the-counter anti-malarial drug costing £7 combats Covid-19 gets trashed. Why? Because the pharmaceutical giants want to sell you a treatment costing nearly £2,000. It's criminal.

Article Image

Childrens Health Defense - RFK Jr

Summarizing everything in a few words, Italy was sold to Big Pharma and has become a huge laboratory where experiments are carried out on the population: adults, children, old, healthy, sick people … it makes no difference, we are all guinea pigs.

Article Image by Joseph Mercola

As lockdowns have kept people at home and out of medical facilities, infant vaccination rates have dropped. As you might expect, this is bad news for the drug industry, which is likely why they've started promoting baseless claims that childhood va