Article Image Book of Mormon Constitution For the united States



Written by Subject: Religion: Believers

You are invited to a special fireside presented

By RICK DALTON, Field Instructor for the            

National Center for Constitutional Studies,

Member of the bishopric of the Kleinman Park Ward in Mesa,

And a History/Economics instructor at Heritage Academy in Mesa.


Come and learn about the commandments of the Lord and his Prophets, to members of the Church about Freedom, politics, civic affairs, and about the inspired U.S. Constitution


WHEN: Saturday, April 30th, 2011 (7pm to 9pm)

WHERE: Home of Jerry and Former Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson, 6855 Arrowhead Hill Drive, Linden    

North off Highway 260 on Linden Valley Road – (just past the Linden Fire Station) turn right at Diamond Way, left on Sapphire Lane, left onto Arrowhead Hill Drive

Seating is limited, please RSVP so we know how many to plan for:  928-532-1182


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Quisnos constitution
Entered on:

 you have made unverifiable prostrations against a church  I once frequented.     As a jack Mormon i removed myself ffrom  my families church and have revisited the records of the church of jesus Christ of latter day saints. what has been placed here in a vitriol form used by people who have been excommunicated for reasons agaisnt our Lords laws and then become the agents of one lucifer.  I cant retract his hate but i can support the church as one that supports the basic needs freedoms,and justices given us in the declaration of Independence.   All members I know want the same justice and freedom offered to the soverign's in this republic. And yes there are in the church members that go against church policy. these will be reckoned with when they meet God at the end as all will be judged and none will escape Our Lords judgments. i joined in the CIA from a missionary post, as others because in  our beliefs are that its God, Family, country and we live our vows. But many of my bretherin have left this agency as in end times it has become the very agency of satan and  his minions. 

Comment by Phyrexius
Entered on:

This is a joke right? Mormonism (my families own cult by name) is the 13th Bloodline of the Illuminati. aka the 13th Royal Family. The church (aka the Empire) IS the Zionist New World Order and is so intertwined and involved in the Satanic cult  running the U.N. and abroad. In fact the church is very involved in the ownership of many corporations. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken, A&W Root Beer, Coca Cola to name a few. Also, the church OWNS Las Vegas outright. Back in the day some Mobsters came out west from Chicago looking to make a Desert Paradise. My Great Step Grandpa knew some of these power players. The church already had a Monopoly on Bordellos/Whore Houses for the higher ups. So they went into business with the Chicago Mafia. The Mafia tried to keep church members names out of their records as to launder the money and loans from the church but you can't keep that sort of corruption quiet for too long. If you did but a couple of hours of research one would know these facts. Here is an interesting twist of facts. Record number of CIA agents (worlds most corrupt drug and human smuggling ring not to mention gang of thieves, murderers and liars) are Mormon Missionaries. Some other facts. Mormons were involved in the 1st trade tower bombings. OKC bombings (yes plural, there were multiple bombs not just one big truck) Cheney's family is fromthe SLC area as well. Something to ponder about a Satanic cult founded on Martyrdom for stealing rituals from the Freemasons and claiming them as its own...

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