Letters to the Editor • Arizona's Top News

"Against" the override question Scottsdale Unified School District Number 48 General

Deadline Date:  August 10th, 2012

Maricopa County

School Superintendent's Office

4041 North Central Avenue,

Suite 1100

Phoenix, Arizona   85012

H A N D     D E L I V E R E D


Here we go again:  --- Another "Flim Flam!!!"  History Repeats itself:  The "flim-flammers" are giving the taxpayers another "royal screw job."

Who are these "flim flammers?"  The usual suspects:  Bankers, bond underwriters, contractors, unions, & and the powers that be--giving no "poop" sticking another irrevocable Mortgage upon your property.

During the past fifty years, repeated encumbrances have been stuck upon our property--with no gain to YOU.  Every dollar stolen will never be returned to US!!!  This "flim-flam" racket will never stop unless we Vote --- "NO!!!"

Parochial and private schools pay much less, with twice the quality of education, for the same investment.  There is absolutely NO correlation dumping money into perverted education, rewriting American history, and failing to understand our values & freedoms taught by our forefathers.

I was an original alumnus at Phoenix College--Camelback, at their former location at NW Camelback and 16th Street.  We had old, dilapilated, temporary buildings, a dust/mud hole for a parking lot, and an over crowded toilet for 400 students.  But in spite of primitive infrastructure, we had quality education, small class sizes--at much lower cost.

Tell those "flim-flam stooges" in the school board---"NO" -- we are not mortgaging our homes any more!!!

From an angry community member,

Without prejudice,


6619 East 6th Street

Scottsdale, Arizona   85251-5225


(480) 946-2497


(MS exact word count is:  197 words)

(The word limit is only 200 words.)
