Article Image Ernest Hancock

Letters to the Editor • Media: Internet

Why isn't my articles getting printed?

 Hello to either Ernie or Powell.  I realize the page has changed, but I haven\'t been able to send an article to Freedom Phoenix for quite some time.  Maybe it\'s just me.  I tried to send two articles the other day, and I received an explanation that they were to be previewed and edited if it needed it.  That was either yesterday or the day before.  I haven\'t seen anything.  Also, I received something about a confirmation, and that I needed to put in a code.  Well, I didn\'t receive a code until after I went to bed, and I submitted the article in the afternoon.  Any help here would be appreciated. Thanks Jean Carbonneau

Editors Reply

Keep on us Jean.
We're trying to fix all of the bugs.
Please let us know what email server you have. You may need to 'whitelist' us again for the new server we are on.
Thanks for helping us,