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IPFS News Link • Food

Gang of Armored Government Criminals Raid Raw Milk Seller. Again.

• Lew Rockwell
Infowars and the Huffington Post are reporting that a combined army from the LA County Sheriff’s Office, the FDA, the Dept. of Agriculture, and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) raided Rawesome Foods - again - and three people have been arrested and "are being charged with conspiracy to sell unpasteurized raw milk products."

7 Comments in Response to

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Ad Hominem does not work. We need the ability to think. Read below why there has to be a SWAT Team raid. It was there for a reason. No one wants to contract a food-borne disease. We shouldn’t ignore this. Attacking the raid that protects the people from harm -- in the name of "freedom"[?} to drink raw milk ??? You can have all your freedom, and all the raw milk you can drink, but give me my freedom to live which you are forfeiting from me if you get the disease and transmit it to me and I and my family die! Make sense?

Comment by Joseph Cronin
Entered on:

The milk cartel has operated for at least 50 years that I know of , and they've destroyed the nutritional value of milk in out diets . As children in the 50's we were able to drink certified raw milk , the stuff with the cream at the top of the bottle , and our families benefited from all the things made from CRMilk . The FDA stepped in and started  it's endless government intrusion and unwarrented control of an American industry that didn't need it . It is time to put an end to the Corporate Federal Government's tyranny.

Comment by tittiger
Entered on:

FDA is both  treasonous and criminal and needs to be treated as such.
Why  in God's name doesn't this town pass Food Freedom Ordinances that make this type of behavior a serious felony?

I would go a step further and  then arm the members and employes
of food co-ops and farms. So you could hold off the criminals until the sheriff or militia can arrive.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I am not sure as the one who wrote this headline, that "a gang of armored government criminals" that conducted a raid of the Healthy Family Farm [HFF] are "criminals" or heroes – protector of public safety. HFF, a health safety violator is a recidivist that makes a profit of selling unpasteurized milk products to the public in violation of the FDA rules and regulations. HFF ignored previous warnings, hence the raid before the next 800 victims would die from a food-borne epidemic! Calling those protectors of public safety "criminal" seemed weird. It makes me wonder – which one is criminal, the angry accuser or the accused. The latter needs armor – body and mental armors -- to protect themselves from their ballistic accusers.


Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

The Freedom to drink unpasteurized milk also means the freedom to contract food-born bacteria such as ...That freedom is misplaced.

I received from a reader [obviously "a fan of your witty remarks that I enjoy reading"] who knew my private e-mail address, asking me "to comment as usual" on anti-government barracudas that in rage are going bananas.

I agree with your position Mr. Hover that the people in the Government are compensated by taxes we pay through the IRS. As to your belief that they are doing a good job, it depends what kind of jobs are they doing and how. In this case, Sharon Palmer of Healthy Family Farms is a violator of the FDA safety rule that selling "unpasteurized raw milk products" can cause a serious problem – the spread of a dangerous epidemic caused by bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria of which more than 800 had already died according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Furthermore, the owner of Healthy Family Farms had been previously warned but still violates the prohibition for the safety of the public, and therefore the violator is a recidivist unmindful of whether or not her customers would die out of her greed for profit.

The FREEDOM to sell raw milk even when it could kill people, is totally misplaced. That’s why many Libertarians of good reasons and good intentions argue with such insuperable frustrations that their political dog Dr. Ron Paul could not even lift a step forward out of the starting line in any presidential race because of the doctor’s weird argument that the Government curtails the people’s freedom to drink unpasteurized milk, which also means the freedom to contract Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria, or the freedom to spread an epidemic.

I assure you that as a recidivist violator, Healthy Family Farms is very UNHEALTHY. The freedom to have food-borne illness is not even politically good to Dr.Paul – maybe to his followers, but definitely not for you and me.

To me it looks like the "gang of Government law enforcers" deserves your taxes and mine. In this particular case, we wish more power to them!

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

I received from a reader [obviously “a fan of your witty remarks that I enjoy reading”] who knew my private e-mail address, asking me “to comment as usual” on anti-government barracudas that in rage are going bananas.


I agree with your position Mr. Hover that the people in the Government are compensated by taxes we pay through the IRS. As to your belief that they are doing a good job, it depends on what kind of jobs are they performing, and how.  In this case, Sharon Palmer of Healthy Family Farms is a violator of the FDA safety rule that selling “unpasteurized raw milk products can cause a serious problem – the spread of a dangerous epidemic caused by bacteria such as Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria of which more than 800 victims had already died according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.


Furthermore, the owner of Healthy Family Farms had been previously warned but still continues to violate the prohibition for the safety of the public, and therefore the violator is a recidivist, unmindful of whether or not if her customers die out of her greed for profit.


The FREEDOM to sell raw milk even when it could kill people, is totally misplaced. That’s why many Libertarians of good reasons and good intentions argue with such insuperable frustrations that their political dog Dr. Ron Paul could not even move out of the starting line in any presidential race because of the doctor’s weird argument that the Government curtails the people’s freedom to drink unpasteurized milk or the freedom to contract Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria, or the freedom to spread an epidemic.


As assure you that as a recidivist violator, Healthy Family Farms is very UNHEALTHY. The freedom to get food-borne illness is not even politically good to Dr. Paul – maybe to his followers, but definitely not good for you and me.


To me it looks like the “gang of Government law enforcers” deserves your taxes and mine. In this particular case, we wish more power to them!



Comment by Powell Gammill
Entered on:

Activism event to protest the invasion and arrests: