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IPFS News Link • Gun Rights

18 Little-Known Gun Facts That Prove That Guns Make Us Safer

The American people deserve to know the truth about gun control. Passing strict gun control laws will not make us all safer. In fact, as you will read about below, even a study conducted at Harvard found that the more guns a nation has the less crime it tends to have. In other words, there is a very strong positive correlation between more guns and less crime. This is the exact opposite of what the mainstream media would have us believe, but it makes sense. You see, the reality is that criminals really, really, really don’t want to get shot. When you pass strict gun control laws, you take the fear of getting shot away and criminals tend to flourish. Just look at what is going on in America today. The places with the highest crime rates are the major cities where strict gun control laws have been passed. In some of those cities the police are so overwhelmed that they have announced that they simply won’t even bother responding to certain kinds of crime anymore. The truth is th

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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

From the article: "The places with the highest crime rates are the major cities where strict gun control laws have been passed.  In some of those cities the police are so overwhelmed that they have announced that they simply won’t even bother responding to certain kinds of crime anymore."

Why are police overwhelmed? Isn't it because there are so many crooks with guns? The laws didn't stop the crooks with guns, right?

Now carry this idea forward a little. If the general citizenry had loads of guns, wouldn't a similar thing happen? I mean, the police would be so overwhelmed by the citizens, that they would announce "... that they simply won’t even bother responding to certain kinds of crime anymore."

What kind of "overwhelmed" would this be? It would be a truly overwhelming fear that they just might get their a** kicked if they tried to use the stupid-a**, police brutality on the citizens that they have been using in the past. And it would be the citizens kicking their a**!

Of course, the bad point about this is that some of the websites that report police brutality would have to change their focus, if they wanted to continue getting hits.
