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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Wake up people, it's time to aim high!

• by brian wang

Ariel is a polymath. He started his carrier as an entomologist and studied systematics, morphology and ecology of Stoneflies (Plecoptera). He went on several field expeditions, including one in the Caucasus Mountains. Then Ariel switched fields and became a software engineer. He designed several projects, including a framework for interactive multimedia books.

In 2014 Ariel enrolled in the Physics Department of Saint Petersburg State University where he studied physics and pursued a research interest in medical nanomachines as potential drug delivery vehicles. His engineering expertise is a definite asset in this research area.

Ariel believes that only an interdisciplinary approach can help us win the war against aging. So in 2015-2016 Ariel also worked at the Laboratory of Plant Genetic Engineering and Laboratory of Physiological Genetics at Saint Petersburg State University. There he studied PCR, Real-time PCR, DNA Extraction, DNA Gel Electrophoresis, and genetic engineering techniques.

Now he works as a consultant in bioengineering company Youthereum Genetics.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

From the article, above, "Ariel believes that only an interdisciplinary approach can help us win the war against aging." There doesn't seem to be much spiritual or positive thinking science added to the work being done. Some studies show that the placebo effect can produce more than 30% of the benefits in those who are being treated for disease. Why isn't it being talked about here? After all, aging is simply a complex disease, isn't it? Or did I miss it?
