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CNN Changes Graphic as Nasty Don Lemon Attacks Black Pastor Who Met Trump

• via Newsbusters

Lemon progressively got nastier with his antagonistic questioning when Owens wouldn't call the President, racist. Lemon even went so far as to attack the pastor's Christian faith and character.

Lemon started the interview by asking if any of the black faith leaders and pastors had raised "concerns" about the Baltimore tweets with the President. Owens said there may have been "something said in passing" but he didn't "tune in to negative talk" and the purpose of the meeting was to address how to help inner city youth. But Lemon kept badgering, asking another three times:

LEMON: We have a delay. For the sake of time, I don't mean to cut you off. The question was what did the President say about his attacks against the leaders of color and did any of the faith leaders raise concerns about that?

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