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IPFS News Link • Politics: Republican Campaigns

Title: Shameful CPAC Mask Mandate

• By Allan Stevo

Rather than standing by science and standing by values, Republicans, even conservative Republicans, are instead deciding to virtue signal. 


Virtue signaling will not work. The media will depict CPAC as a super-spreader event regardless of what precautions are taken by CPAC organizers. 


Covid screening via questionnaire is flawed virtual signaling, though far less intrusive than the awful CPAC mask mandate. 

 Face masks do not work against the spread of respiratory viruses and may even be harmful. This information was reported by Dr Jingyi Xiao and her team in the CDCs peer-reviewed journal of epidemiology Emerging Infectious Disease in May 2020. This important review of 14 randomized controlled trials with laboratory confirmed results came out several weeks after the political hacks at the CDC suddenly started demanding that everyone mask up.