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IPFS News Link • Employment & Jobs

Companies turn to unvaccinated workers to fight labor shortage

•, By Will Feuer

JP Valadez, a worker at NextGen Code Company in Lubbock, Texas, launched, an online job board, to help connect the unvaccinated workforce to employers in need of more help, CNN Business reported.

Since the site's August launch, it's drawn more than 2.25 million unique visitors and over 20,000 resumes have been posted, Valadez told CNN. The site recently had roughly 500 active listings, the report said.

"We are also seeing a massive migration from corporations to smaller businesses," Valadez said in an email to CNN Business.

"Many in the health industry are completely abandoning their career path in favor of something completely different. We are seeing nurses and doctors apply at travel agencies, for example, and just the other day we saw a resume from a NASA data analyst who was willing to work as a plumber or an electrician as long as the employer respected their values and their bodily autonomy."