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Criminal Justice System

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Washington Post

The White House is reviewing a plan to require the Justice Department and FBI to consult with the CIA before deciding to inform terrorism suspects arrested in the US that they have the right to remain silent and to consult with an attorney

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The Agitator

California Superior Court Judge Andrea Bryan ordered the release of convicted child molester Augustin Uribe due to “numerous acts of misconduct” by the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. Uribe’s conviction was overturned in 2008 after a v

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A mentally ill New York man who spent nearly six years behind bars for a 1976 rape he insisted he didn't commit was exonerated after DNA testing showed he was innocent. The conviction of Freddie Peacock of Rochester, now 60, was based on a false conf

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The top federal prosecutor for New Orleans has removed himself from the case of 4 conservative activists arrested last week while trying to capture hidden camera footage in a senator's office, the Department of Justice said. Recusing himself from the

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Federal agents repeatedly interviewed him or heard him speak to others. But when they read him his legal rights nearly 10 hours after the incident, he went silent. Lawmakers argue he should have been placed immediately in military custody, and the na

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Grab your children and teach them the real history of MLK and not the watered down politically correct stuff they learn in school these days. We remind people how effective mass civil disobedience is and examine Martin Luther King's Strategy. We r

News Link • Global Reported By Tarrin Lupo
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A Spanish lawmaker was horrified to learn that the FBI used an online photograph of him to create an image showing what Osama bin Laden might look like today. Gaspar Llamazares' photo appeared on a wanted poster updating the U.S. government's 1998 ph