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Criminal Justice System

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Simple Justice

It's not just rare to have a crime lab implode, but unheard of. In Nassau County, the impact of incompetence and deceit that caused closure of the crime lab is just beginning to be felt. To some, it's a slap in the face. To others, it's a caress.

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NY Times

Should a former attorney general be held personally liable for brazenly misusing the material witness statute when he was in office to hold an American man in brutal conditions on the pretext that he was a witness in a case in which he was never call

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The Political Commentator

Everyone has a pretty good idea of what a criminal looks like right? When you take all of the societal biases out of the process, can you really tell who the car thief is? Or who committed a burglary or assaulted a police officer? How about securi

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman