Former astronaut speaks out on global warming
• Boston HeraldSANTA FE, N.M. - Former astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who walked on the moon and once served New Mexico in the U.S. Senate, doesn’t believe that humans are causing global warming.
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SANTA FE, N.M. - Former astronaut Harrison Schmitt, who walked on the moon and once served New Mexico in the U.S. Senate, doesn’t believe that humans are causing global warming.
How can humans race deaf, dumb and blind into the future when they see symptoms of hyper-population growth cascading toward them like Hurricane Katrina? Why does the media ignore the future when it's already upon us?
As America adds 2.4 million third world poor annually via legal and illegal immigration, she brings upon herself a whole new sub-class of poverty never seen before in the history of this civilization. It will become worse!
One expert called it a 'slow moving pile up' while others prefer to ignore it because it's not here yet. Look to China, India, Mexico City and other hyper-populated areas! They have already piled up on the rocks.
First aired on BBC, this documentary was like a wooden stake into the heart of the theory of Global Warming. 2 years ago we first made this movie available here on FreedomsPhoenix. Since then the impact of this film has been,... interesting. Enjoy!
This documentary is a good companion to the latest documentary,"The Great Global Warming Swindle" recently shown on CH 4 UK and is available on Google video.
A very informative documentary about the real cause of global warming. It clearly discuss about the fact that CO2 is not cause of global warming. Take a look also at the Great Global Warming Swindle and Green House Conspiracy in google video.
Most important is that a fish can swim past this system up stream. On top of that, the system as illustrated can obviously be stacked as a double silo to any necessary height. This means we have a feasible way to allow migrating fish to bypass a tall
Can the USA continue losing 2.19 million acres annually of animal habitat and expect to stop the 2,500 species extinctions every decade? Learn why North American plants and animals face a dubious future.
Right now, the folks who should have known better, or were simply too intimidated to speak their minds are now standing up and kicking this dead horse to death. In the summer of 2007, we were on the road to an ice free summer Arctic by 2012. Three m
Perhaps prophetic and tragically poetic, witness that the agents of "change" leave in their wake.
For every acre of rain forest cut down each year, more than 50 acres of new forest are growing in the tropics on land that was once farmed, logged or ravaged by natural disaster. “There is far more forest here than there was 30 years ago,” said Ms. O
There was such promise for the human race, had we but left the roads of simple commerce and chosen to make our own paths while deciding for ourselves, about what kind of world we could inhabit.
Global Warming Dead Last
The more we add population, the more we pollute our air, our water, our land. The next added 100 million Americans in 30 years will create horrific air pollution problems that cannot be solved.
Hyper-population growth in America portends sobering realities as to water shortages, energy crisis, overshoot of resources and an unsustainable future. Yet, we blissfully stagger forward by immigrating 2.4 million third world poor annually to make o
Last winter was one of the coldest on record in South America and China. Currently, the U.S. is in the grips of a big freeze from the Pacific Northwest through the Midwest to New England and the Southeast. If this keeps up, will Al gore surrender h
Physicist Alex Wissner-Gross says that performing two Google searches uses up as much energy as boiling the kettle for a cup of tea
Jessica Robertson, a Geological Survey spokeswoman in Reston, Va., said the Web page violated the USGS trademark and that the agency's attorneys were investigating whether a federal offense was committed.
Just as the global warming crowd bases their climate predictions on the use of computer models, Keynesian economists try to explain economic activity using mathematical formulas. As Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman explains in his new book, The Retur
Entered By: Glenn JacobsThe U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has rejected an environmental group’s petition to include 270 desert creatures and plants on federal endangered species lists.
Full-page advertisement placed in a Redding, California paper recently by a group of concerned citizens
President Vaclav Klaus of the Czech Republic, the European Union's new figurehead believes that climate change is a dangerous myth and has compared the union to a Communist state.
Do you know the most ignored issue in 2008? If you lived in Phoenix, LA, Denver, Chicago, New York or any big city--you felt it! It engulfed you! It irritated you. It cost you a lot of money. What might that issue be? Find out!
As a civilization, we face ominous challenges in 2009: energy, water shortages, hyper-population growth, balkanization, immigration and many other dilemmas.
2008 has been a year of records for cold and snowfall and may indeed be the coldest year of the 21st century thus far. In the U.S., the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration registered 63 local snowfall records and 115 lowest-ever temperatu
“I think in 20 years’ time we will look back at this whole climate change debate and ask ourselves how on earth were we ever conned into spending the billions of pounds which are going into this without any kind of rigorous examination of the backgro
By adding 100 million people to the USA in 30 years via hyper-immigration, we face food shortages beyond solving. Here's why.
The first, on May 21, headed "Climate change threat to Alpine ski resorts" , reported that the entire Alpine "winter sports industry" could soon "grind to a halt for lack of snow". The second, on December 19, headed
Temperatures have been dropping in a way wholly unpredicted by all those computer models which have been used as the main drivers of the scare. Last winter, as temperatures plummeted, many parts of the world had snowfalls on a scale not seen for deca