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Foreign Policy

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US generals did not invite China to a meeting last week attended by 91 countries and aimed at boosting cooperation in the US-declared global war on terrorism, the military said. China borders several hot spots, including Afghanistan and Pakistan, and

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A Congress-mandated commission urged the American government to take "aggressive action" against Saudi Arabia for alleged religious freedom violations and warned that religious rights were under threat in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. C

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Associated Press

EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson's office said the new measures were justified because US government payments [of taxpayer money] to American companies are scheduled to continue for two more years despite the disputed trade law being

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New York Times

"Overthrow" is the history of forcible regime changes by the US over the past 110 years, starting with the undermining of the Hawaiian monarchy in 1893, passing through Cuba (1898), the Philippines (1898), Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954) and

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U.S. Representative Ron Paul (R-TX)

The issue is not who serves as Secretary of Defense, the issue is how, when, and why the United States uses military force. It makes no sense simply to replace Mr. Rumsfeld with someone else who holds the same view, namely that it’s the job of Ameri

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ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Wednesday again raised the specter of U.S. designs to oust him and promised that his government will blow up his country's oil fields if the United States should ever attack.

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The Guardian

Although the US is resisting pressure to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions through direct talks with Tehran, rather than sanctions or military strikes, it still intends to meet senior Iranian officials for discussions on Iraq at which it will de

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North Denver News (thanks Jean C.)

The Department of Defense has officially notified Congress that the demilitarization of chemical weapons stored at sites around the country will not be completed in time to comply with either the 2007 deadline or the 5-year extension provided under t

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"When a people masters nuclear technology and nuclear fuel, nothing can be done against them," said an Iranian general, Hassan Firouzabadi. "The West can do nothing and is obliged to extend to us the hand of friendship."

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New rules, extra inspections and the threat of a 3,500-percent fee hike hang like an ax over the shipment of tons of Canadian waste to dumping grounds in Michigan, raising fears of a ban or a possible trade war. The City of Toronto has been shippi

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The Korea Times

North Korea is believed to possess as many as 6 nuclear weapons, a former chief of the U.S. military in South Korea has said. North Korea had up to 6 nuclear weapons in 1994 when it agreed to freeze all related programs, but the number is likely to h

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Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice warned Iran on Thursday the "international community is united" in the dispute over its nuclear program, but a Tehran envoy defiantly rejected a UN call to re-impose a freeze on uranium enrichment.

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The Guardian

The disastrous foreign policies of the US have left it more isolated than ever, and China is standing by to take over. 'Our power, then, has the grave liability of rendering our theories about the world immune from failure. But by becoming deaf t

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by Jim Lobe (

2 days after the coup d'etat that brought a brutal military junta to power in Argentina, then US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger wanted to "encourage" the new regime by providing financial support, according to classified transcript

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Agence France Presse

China has accused the US of severely undermining the world trade system and insisted US policies were to blame for the huge trade deficit between the 2 nations. The US often failed to comply with WTO rulings by citing national security concerns.