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Foreign Policy

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Russia's state-controlled arms trader and top aircraft maker criticized Washington for imposing sanctions on them over dealings with Iran. The defense ministry said the move reflected U.S. annoyance at arms sales to Venezuela.

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by Jim Lobe (

Entering the 4th week of war between Lebanon's Hezbollah militia and Israel, the Bush administration's ambitions to transform the Arab Middle East into a pro-Western, more democratic region are fading fast. Not only is Washington's thus-f

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By Juan Forero The New York Times

Economic lifeline thrown to Cuba by the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, who is using his country's tremendous oil reserves to prop up the Castro government and counter Bush administration policy in Latin America.

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United States is trying to "help channel China's growing influence in a positive direction" while maintaining "strong U.S. regional capabilities in case China does not eventually move down a path consistent with our interests

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The White House and Congress, caught unaware by Fidel Castro's illness, prepared for a possible showdown in Cuba as lawmakers drafted legislation that would give millions of dollars to dissidents who fight for democratic change.

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When the founders of the United States of America created the Constitution they established some very specific restrictions upon elected officials, the severest being that only congress could decide to declare war. They established a republic so tha

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A monk riveted world attention by immolating himself in public. John F. Kennedy, the first Catholic U.S. president, felt duty bound to come to the defense of the Buddhists. Quietly, he encouraged the Vietnamese military leadership to depose Diem.

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USA Today

Residents living close to the U.S. Embassy in London say the British government and police are endangering their lives by failing to adequately protect the embassy area from terrorist attacks. It's the latest controversy concerning the embassy

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US Army Times

The US is helping Honduras establish a new military base to combat international drug trafficking, according to a senior military official. The base will allow Honduras to house aircraft and a fuel supplying system.

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The Guardian

The US is giving Israel a window of a week to inflict maximum damage on Hizbullah before weighing in behind international calls for a ceasefire in Lebanon, according to British, European and Israeli sources. The Bush administration, backed by Brit

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[No one cares.] Israel is in violation of U.S. arms-control laws for deploying U.S.-made fighter planes, combat helicopters, and missiles to kill civilians and destroy Lebanon's infrastructure in the ongoing six-day devastation of that militarily

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by Billy House (Arizona Republic)

Few Americans have ever heard of them. Yet these private non-profit groups receive millions of U.S. taxpayer dollars each year to promote "democratic" values in some of the most repressive places in the world. They help to monitor ele

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A presidential commission's report on U.S. plans to promote democracy in Cuba has earned applause from Cuban exiles, particularly for an $80 million commitment to bolster civil society and independent media. But while many expressed broad support

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by Anush Yegyazarian (PC World)

The very technologies that facilitate and direct Net communications in the US--routers, packet tracking technologies, filtering software, and the like--can be used to censor content and to restrict the rights of people living in other countries.

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Iran said it wanted to use diplomacy and cultural channels to ensure ancient clay tablets at the center of a compensation case are returned from the US but said it was also ready for a legal fight. The 2,500-year-old Persian tablets, which have be

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Washington Post

The Americans were in Somalia because of concerns about terrorism, not land. But when the gunfire rang out, the US officials wrongly concluded that they were under attack by Islamic terrorists and abruptly fled. It was a provocation that demanded a m

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Author Jerome Corsi filed a Freedom of Information Act request yesterday asking for full disclosue of the activities of an office implementing a trilateral agreement with Mexico and Candad that apparently could lead to a North American union,

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[Must be time for Defense industry budget renewals.] The US is consulting with fellow members of the UN Security Council on possible steps if North Korea tests a missile, US Ambassador John Bolton said. The US, Japan and other countries warned North

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U.S. officials and French and British diplomats have sought to obscure the failure to get the agreement of Russia and China to a hard-line UN Security Council resolution making Iranian compliance mandatory if it refused to suspend its uranium enrichm