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Foreign Policy

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Antiwar(Jim Lobe)

"For 60 years, my country - the US - pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region, here in the Mid East," Rice declared in June 2005 at the American University in Cairo, in a widely noted speech that encouraged democracy act

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NY Times

The Bush administration is preparing to ask Congress to approve an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors that is expected to total $20 billion at a time when officials contend that the Saudis are playing a counterproductive role in Ira

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American Chronicle

The United States is having major difficulty in finding a new forward deployment base for its New African Command.

News Link • Global Reported By Scott Morgan
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Fidel Castro's first no-show in 48 years in Cuba's national holiday fanned doubts he will ever retake the helm from his brother Raul Castro, who has renewed his offer of talks with the US. "It's over for Fidel Castro as president an

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U.S. congressional rejection of a free trade agreement with South Korea would deliver a severe blow to U.S. standing in Asia, a top U.S. trade official said. "If we succumb to protectionism within our own borders and allow KORUS (Korea-U.S free

The pieces are in place, the trap is set, all they need is a match: PNAC, Chertoff, Gulf of Tonkin, Cheney pushing Bush, Congress on a break, Bush's new Exec Order, USS Enterprise moving into place, and warnings from insiders. P.S. They're not just g

News Link • Global Reported By Stan carter

The pieces are in place, the trap is set, all they need is a match: PNAC, Chertoff, Gulf of Tonkin, Cheney pushing Bush, Congress on a break, Bush's new Exec Order, USS Enterprise moving into place, and warnings from insiders. P.S. They're not just g

News Link • Global Reported By Stan carter
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Ron Can

The pieces are in place, the trap is set, all they need is a match: PNAC, Chertoff, Gulf of Tonkin, Cheney pushing Bush, Congress on a break, Bush's new Exec Order, USS Enterprise moving into place, and warnings from insiders. P.S. They're no

News Link • Global Reported By Stan carter
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Lawyers across Pakistan burst into tears and cries of jubilation today, as Pakistan's Supreme Court restored the country's Chief Justice, Muhamed Iftikhar Chaudhry, whose sacking by embattled Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf last March sp

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(Wonder how Iran feels about this) The US and India have "broken a logjam" in talks to forge an implementing agreement for their landmark civilian atomic deal but a final accord remains elusive, officials said Thursday.

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by Ivan Eland (AntiWar)

Those of us who opposed the expansion of NATO warned that it would lead to problems with Russia. Those problems have arrived. A resurgent Russia – flush with oil revenues and a strong leader who is using anti-U.S. resentments to become even more auto

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The Australian

US president George W. Bush plans to pour $US750 million worth of aid into Pakistan's hostile tribal areas in a bid to wrest it away from al-Qa'ida and Taliban militants, despite fears that the funds will be impossible to oversee.

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The Nation

"These combat veterans, some of whom bear deep emotional and physical scars, and many of whom have come to oppose the occupation, gave vivid, on-the-record accounts. They described a brutal side of the war rarely seen on television screens or ch

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Nearly half of the US public wants President George W. Bush to face impeachment, and even more favor that fate for Vice President Dick Cheney, according to a poll out Friday. The White House declined to comment on the poll, the latest bad news for a

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Sudan Tribune

At an African Intelligence Summit that was recently held in Khartoum, the CIA had an interesting meeting with Sudanese Intelligence.

News Link • Global Reported By Scott Morgan
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Differences over how to balance security needs with concerns over passengers' privacy had deadlocked negotiations since a 2004 deal on data sharing was voided by an EU court last year for technical reasons. An interim accord expires at the end

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by Sheldon Richman (FFF)

What’s more obnoxious than a person who constantly whines about the injustices committed against him while ignoring his own injustices against others? A country that does the same thing.

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Washington Times

The only deterrent for some countries from being next on "Washington's hit list" is to have nuclear weapons themselves, a new policy report concludes. The report, released this week by the Independent Institute, a California free-marke

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Washington Post blog

Are U.S. forces employing a new weapon in the war against terrorism? And if so, why are they keeping it a secret? A huge explosion in Pakistan killed numerous foreign fighters and civilians. On Sunday, 7 children were reported killed in an attack in

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The US has already made up its mind to deploy its planned missile defense system in Europe and will turn down a Russian offer to share a radar station in Azerbaijan, Russia's top general said on Thursday. "In my view... the questioin of pla

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Mideast Web

The Middle East policy of the US is suffering an unimitigated castatrophe as I write these words. The US is suffering a policy disaster that may be worse in the long run than the Iraq debacle, but apparently nobody in the state department understand