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Bill of Rights

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“If the federal government has the exclusive right to judge the extent of its own powers, warned the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions’ authors it will continue to grow – regardless of elections, the separation of powers, and other much-touted limi

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Kevin R. C. Gutzman -

Bill of Rights Day is Tuesday, December 15th. But as Kevin Gutzman points out in this article, it’s not a day of celebration. Instead, it should be a day of mourning for the death of decentralized self-government.

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Kevin Gutzman

Bill of Rights Day is Tuesday, December 15th. But as Kevin Gutzman points out in this article, it’s not a day of celebration. Instead, it should be a day of mourning for the death of decentralized self-government

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Boldin
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Washington Post

Some people spend their Saturday mornings cruising yard sales or running errands. Juli Verrier spends hers ripping down signs. Outraged over the bumper crop of ads that spring up along Fairfax County roads, Verrier dodges traffic and angry merchan

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An American with Common Sense

Will the People stand and make their Declarations? Or will they kneel and kowtow to the State that they are "ALLEGEDLY" in control of? This is the paramount question. Read this issue of Freedoms Phoenix. Go read other online publications like W

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The Supreme Court on Monday seemed headed toward telling police they must explicitly advise criminal suspects that their lawyer can be present during any interrogation. The arguments in front of the justices were the latest over how explicit the

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Carlos Miller

Reports of government abuse caught on camera. Always a good source of indisputable outrageous behavior by the authorities on the populace. And the amazing way authorities behave when they notice they are being filmed.

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After reading the "Do you have the Right to Flip off a Cop?" article I was reminded of this video I saw on YouTube some time ago.

News Link • Global Reported By Ken Demyen
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Gun Owners of America

Yesterday, another radical extremist joined the ranks of the Obama administration. Cass Sunstein, who is an old friend of Barack Obama, is now our new Regulatory Czar. You will recall that he is the guy who wants animals to sue hunters and other Americans.He also supports gun control.

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Photography is Not a Crime

His son, an amateur photographer, had just received a speeding ticket in a school zone.

Chandler recommended he go back to the location where he received a ticket to photograph the traffic lights to see if they were in compliance with state and federal standards.


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I am opposed to any and all who are propping up enemies of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We Are Change is doing just that and more. This is a fact as their endorsed support of Ed Asner who is opposed to gun ownership and is also a devoted socialist. Ed Asner advocates gun control, Asner was also a signatory to the 2002 Not In Our Namepetition organized by C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.  

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We Are Change appears on the surface to be a liberty minded group. But don’t judge a book by it’s cover. I for one also maintain that 911 was a inside job.

I am opposed to any and all who are propping up enemies of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. We Are Change is doing just that and more. This is a fact as their endorsed support of Ed Asner who is opposed to gun ownership and is also a devoted socialist. Ed Asner advocates gun control, Asner was also a signatory to the 2002 Not In Our Name petition organized by C. Clark Kissinger and the Revolutionary Communist Party.

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Proposed new rules meant to help police handle G-20 protests faced a barrage of verbal rotten eggs at a Pittsburgh City Council public hearing, and appear to be headed for a close vote.

The hearing was held to get views on rules that would allow police to cite people wearing masks or carrying items from pipes to high-powered rifles if they appear intent on thwarting police dispersal orders. It became an outlet for concern about what some called the pending militarization of Downtown, and what others characterized as the demonization of protest.