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BBC and others

Feeds from thousands of Trendnet home security cameras have been breached, allowing any web user to access live footage without needing a password. Users have expressed concern after finding others could view children's bedrooms, among other location

News Link • Global Reported By Ronald Bogner
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The Political Commentator

Round 1 to Anonymous as Dana White of learned the hard way after he crossed the group and had his personal information disclosed online and his website "defaced!" In light of this, conventional wisdom has said that as we move further int

News Link • Global Reported By Michael Haltman
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First federal prosecutors said that the file-sharing site Megaupload was responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of damage to the music and film industry. Users of the now defunct site are making allegations of their own now too — and

News Link • Global Reported By Ronald Bogner
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CNN Money

The brouhaha over the American internet piracy bill has died down, giving way to proposed international legislation with many similar elements.

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Just before Christmas the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced a small improvement to its 2,100 free online courses: The free online service will now grant, for a modest affordable fee, credentials for those online students who gain

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At Thursday night's debate in South Carolina, Newt Gingrich painted himself as a friend of a free and open Internet, but in the past he's talked up pretty radical proposals to curtail free speech online.

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Content-sharing Internet service has lost the help of one of the best-known U.S. defense lawyers as it begins to fight charges of copyright infringement, a person familiar with the matter said. Robert Bennett was required to withdra

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