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A group of Chinese scientists at Shanghai’s Fudan University have a bright idea: A lightbulb that produces its own Wi-Fi signal. According to Xinhua, the technology is called Li-Fi, and the prototype actually works better than the average connect

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Founder and creator of the Daily Paul website - America's second-finest news source following the Onion - Michael Nystrom today announced in a low-cost internet press release that he would be willing to fix the Obamacare enrollment website for $80, p

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“You don’t have to know Jeremy to help, you just have to care” ~ Jeremy’s friend Grace said that at the #FreeHammond/#FreeBB fundraiser in NY in August. It is doubtless true. Jeremy Hammond is a prisoner pending sentencing for computer hacking

News Link • Global Reported By Mike Brosnahan
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“Dread Pirate Roberts”, clean-cut Ross William Ulbricht wore jail-issued red shirt and pants and ankle restraints before a U.S. magistrate judge. He conferred with his court-appointed attorney, then scanned the packed courtroom gallery before facing

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Simple Justice

The targets of the new program include persons “not committing a crime… We’re not going to go after you, but we are going to take down the language off of Facebook, because there’s no redeeming societal value and it’s clearly hurting somebody.”

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Simple Justice

What does come as a surprise is the government has attained the level of sophistication necessary to break Tor, to identify the users behind the curtain, to track their virtual existence back to the real world, where people have names, live in rented