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Religion: Believers

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NYT / The Caucus

Asked about Hagee’s extensive writings on Armageddon and about Hagee’s belief that the anti-Christ will be the head of the EU, McCain responded, “all I can tell you is that I am very proud to have Pastor John Hagee’s support.'’

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Jeremy Ashton

[H]e who taught that to inherit eternal life we must "love thy neighbor as thyself" would be deeply concerned with the destruction of life in the world today. [I]t is important that we gain gospel insight into the just causes for supporting

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In an article in the July-September Trumpet Newsletter that I wrote entitled Caesar Calls in the Chips which follows this brief introduction I deal with the IRS attack on Pastors and churches that dare speak out on moral and social issues including..

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Why the Giants Won the Super Bowl By Greg Dixon Christians who don’t have a sense of humor and those of you who don’t enjoy sports can stop reading this column now because you won’t catch the drift anyway so you needn’t waste your time. Besides,

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An ex-stripper and her buddy started a Christian outreach in Las Vegas for workers in the city's sex industries. In Vegas, competing against all the attractions that Sin City has to offer, the girls came up with a catchy name: Hookers for Jesus

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by Hussein Ali for

I write this open letter today, in behalf of Congressman and Presidential candidate Dr. Ron Paul, to the American Muslim community. The spirit is similar to letters written to other religious and nonreligious communities in behalf of Dr. Paul.

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by Ted Roelofs - Religion News Service

Wayne, the youngest, has a master's degree in accounting. Jerrold has a doctorate in counseling. Ron, the middle brother and politician, is a former obstetrician. David, the pastor, has a bachelor of divinity degree. William, the oldest, has a do

EMET NEWS SERVICE--Yashiko Sagamori

Primitive tribes offer sacrifices hoping to mollify whatever nonexistent beings they believe in.

News Link • Global Reported By Geoffrey Hayes
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"When Dobson’s Focus on the Family “campus” was completed, the academy skydiving team, with great ceremony, delivered the “keys from heaven” to Dobson. (PUBLISHER RECOMMENDED)

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Mondoreb & Ginn

Pictures from Britney Spears' latest album have some Catholics in an uproar and it's easy to see why. The publicity campaign goes back in time and borrows a page from Madonna's use of religious symbols to drum up business.

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Mondoreb & Ginn

Jesus won one. The American Civil Liberties Union took one on the chin after a U.S. District Court ruled that prayer could return to the Indiana statehouse.

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Pew Research Center

The most secular Americans are those 30 and younger -- sometimes called "Generation Y" -- 19% of whom do not identify with a religious tradition.

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After Downing Street

Millions of Americans, the richest people in history, have a death wish. They are the new "Armageddonites," fundamentalist evangelicals who have moved from forecasting Armageddon to actually trying to bring it about.

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A Quran written in 1203, believed to be the oldest known complete copy, has sold for more than $2.3 million at an auction. The record-setting Quran was signed by Yahya bin Muhammad ibn 'Umar, dated 17 Ramadan 599 (June 1203). It was acquired in

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Religion is the main target as the foundation for collectivist behavior, but nationalism and good old fashioned propaganda takes it on the chin as well. This movie is very threatening to many and is a conversation starter for certain.

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White House Intel Report

Ann Coulter was interviewed tonight on CNBC's "The Big Idea" show. She was asked what her version of a "Perfect America" would be. Here is how she started her answer: "Everyone would be happy, Republican and we would lo

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Its hard for most Americans to believe that FEMA is actually planing on using the preachers of America to be Judas Goats to lead the American people into guiding the sheeple to do as they wish during national emergencies.

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