How the US Empire Will Die - Richard Maybury on the breakup of the geopolitical matrix. / Socialist Defense Is a Disaster - We need the free market, says Michael Rozeff. / The Blowhards of War - Justin Raimondo on the neocon campaign to invade Pakist
Brad Friedman - - Kentucky Election Fraud / Dana Frank - Repression in Honduras "Worse than After Coup" - professor of History at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the author of Bananeras: Women Transforming the Banana Un
No sooner had I written that the High Mucka-Mucks of the "Kochtopus" would jump on the bandwagon of the Gary Johnson campaign, then there was David Boaz, looking particularly smug, singing Johnson's praises.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A pivotal moment in the long, tortuous quest to find Osama bin Laden came years before U.S. spy agencies discovered his hermetic compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan.
NATO says its troops and Afghan forces mistakenly killed a young girl and a man who turned out to be a police officer during an overnight raid in eastern Afghanistan.
'We're #1' and Democracy Myths - Yet Caesarism rules America. Article by Paul Craig Roberts. / Secession - Ron Holland's answer to the sovereign debt crisis. /
Turning the Tables - Peter Schiff interviews Lew Rockwell on where we're headed economic
On Tuesday much was made of high profile comments by several top British generals, including commander Gen. James Bucknall, calling for Britain to maintain troops in Afghanistan for years after the 2014 pullout.
A Knight Without Armor in a Savage Land - James Herndon on Ron Paul as Paladin. / Why the 'West' Is Attacking Gaddafi - He refuses to take orders. Article by Mike Rozeff. / Time To Get Rich - Gary North on what to teach your children.
Hundreds of insurgents attacked Afghan police checkpoints in a remote northeastern province Tuesday with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades but failed to overrun the government positions, officials said.
Though little is known at this early date, according to U.S. officials, documents and digital data captured by the U.S. forces that stormed bin Laden’s compound are already proving enormously invaluable. After the intelligence obtained from the opera
The proposal is a big expansion of executive authority, giving the president the ability to “use all necessary and appropriate force” against those terrorist groups he decides are U.S. enemies.
Robert Naiman - Naiman is policy director of Just Foreign Policy. He recently wrote the piece "The War is Over. Kiss a Nurse and Start Packing." - Release Bin Laden Photo? "Instead Release Afghanistan and Iraq"
That Osama Rub-Out Tale - It's getting stranger and stranger, says Eric Margolis.
/ The 1st Lying 'War on Terror' - Murray Rothbard on the Cold War. Article by David Gordon. / The Minimum Wage Is Anti-Black - Here is new evidence, says Walter Willia
Robert Naiman - Naiman is policy director of Just Foreign Policy. He recently wrote the piece "The War is Over. Kiss a Nurse and Start Packing." - Release Bin Laden Photo? "Instead Release Afghanistan and Iraq"
"We might ask ourselves how we would be reacting if Iraqi commandos landed at George W. Bush’s compound, assassinated him, and dumped his body in the Atlantic."
Plans for attacking Muammar Gaddafi apparently go back some 20 years, and even US President Ronald Reagan tried to kill him, deeming him a threat to America power.
Just four days after the American raid that killed Osama bin Laden — and seized more than 100 discs, drives and computers from the al-Qaida hideout — the U.S. restarted its drone attacks on Pakistan.
Osama bin Laden killing: Victory in the war on terror is now within the West's reach After Osama bin Laden's death, we can finally destroy al-Qaeda and finish the job in Afghanistan.
America's Public Enemy #1 - He's far bigger and badder than Osama bin Who, says Gerald Celente. / Isn't It Time We Overthrew the State? - Hans-Hermann Hoppe on the legal case for anarcho-capitalism. / 'Government Cured the Great Depression' - Gary No
Word from the Obama administration is that with al Qaeda spiritual leader Osama bin Laden dead, U.S. forces may now have found the fast-track to exit the Afghan occupation.
Some believe it is about protecting civilians, others say it is about oil, but some are convinced intervention in Libya is all about Gaddafi’s plan to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency made from gold, a true sharing of the wealth.
Pakistan's army has broken its silence over the US commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden, acknowledging its own "shortcomings" in efforts to find the al-Qaida leader but threatening to review cooperation with Washington if there is another simila
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