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Gun Rights

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Darren Wolfe's YouTube Channel

Despite police harassment the champions of liberty saved many guns from destruction at the Bensalem, PA gun buyback. This happened on February 16, 2013 in Bucks County near Philadelphia.

News Link • Global Reported By Darren Wolfe
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Yesterday at the Colorado Capitol building (Judiciary Committee) hearings for "Gun Control" measures: I was KICKED OUT of the chamber because I was wearing my OathKeepers shirt (OathKeepers on the front, and actual Oath on the back).

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New York Times

Ms. Froebe, 42, a small-business owner who described herself as a “virgin gun shooter,” concentrated and pulled the trigger. “It was awesome,” she said, her face flushed, after emptying the 10-round clip. “The sense of control, of being in charge of

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(Video) Full length video from Ben Swann with another edition of Reality Report. This report covers the true statistics regarding gun and other violence, our individual rights and the founders meaning and reason for the second amendment. Also discus

News Link • Global Reported By Chris Menke
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Terry I. Major

At the meeting of the Sedona Tea Party held February 7, 2013 at the Canyon Trails Cowboy Church in Sedona, Sheriff Scott Mascher spoke about his views regarding the Second Amendment and his unwillingness to support any gun ban orders put forth by the

News Link • Global Reported By Terry Major