Obama Threatens Humanity
Stephen Lendmanpolice state
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police state
Hawthorne, California Police detained or arrested a man for no apparent reason other than because he had been filming them. After a few minutes of vertical filming, the man put his Rottweiler in his car and prepared to leave, but cops called to him,
In March of 2012 President Obama signed an executive order which, among other things, gives the federal government authority over every resource and infrastructure element in the United States.
Actor LeVar Burton and author Tim Wise explain the differences in their interactions with police.
A video posted yesterday on YouTube shows the grisly shooting of a dog by a police officer in Hawthorne, California.
FEMA signs deal with Russian Emergency Situations Ministry to “exchange experts”
An Ohio law enforcement agency's decision to use fake drug checkpoints to search drivers and their cars for drugs has some residents wondering if it could violate the Fourth Amendment against unlawful searches and seizures.
(Update - charge dismissed against Checkpoint USA) On Monday July 1, 2013, I'll be back in Pima County Justice Court defending myself against a bogus traffic citation issued on March 29, 2013 at the SR-86 Milepost 146.6 CBP roadblock. The citation wa
police state
Police SHOOT a man’s DOG after ARRESTING him for doing NOTHING WRONG. The situation escalates at about 2 minutes into the video. Notice the military-style rifles being carried by the police at about 2:55 while they illegally arrest the citizen.
police state
Six Gun Toting Alcohol Agents Pounce On College Kid Buying Bottled Water [Corrected]
For the statist, the national-security state is everything. It is god. It is daddy. It is big brother. Everything else, including conscience, must be subordinated to “national security” and to the national-security state’s oaths, laws, rules, and reg
ATF domestic sting operations eclipse Operation Fast and Furious. In sting operations similar to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing which left six dead, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms are........
In a few days, we will all have an opportunity to peacefully inflict a major psychological blow on the rapidly coalescing police state by the simple but powerful act of refusing to play along with the absurd pantomime on the 4th of July that we live
Regardless of one’s views on immigration, the idea that we should have to ask permission from the federal government before taking a job ought to be offensive to all Americans. Many Americans will be denied the opportunity for work.
police state
police state
Are cops constitutional? In a 2001 article for the Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal, Roger Roots posed just that question. Roots, a fairly radical libertarian, believes that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t allow for police as they exist today.
police state
police state
In a 2001 article for the Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal, the legal scholar and civil liberties activist Roger Roots posed just that question. Roots, a fairly radical libertarian, believes that the U.S.Constitution doesn’t allow for police as
police state
The states and the feds have enacted laws that make it a crime to make a terrorist threat. This tells us a person can commit this crime by his speech alone, even if he has neither the intent nor the means to carry the threat out.
Michael, governments have long had similar repressive legislation to those laws which you discussed on the statute books for many decades since the ending of the First World War. They are collectively known as criminal syndicalism laws.
Facing a bureaucratic refusal for him and his wife to check his child out of school early, he was found guilty of threatening to return to the school with an AK-47 and kill everyone and himself. This was two days before Sandy Hook occurred.
shock video out of Georgia shows police strapping down citizens accused of drunk driving before using a needle forcibly draw blood as the victim screams, “what country is this?”
Randy and Karen Sowers are not your typical terrorists or mob financiers. They run the popular South Mountain Creamery and sell their produces at farmer’s markets and local events. The Somers however were confronted recently by FBI agents who informe
“It’s just like Nazi Germany, just taking orders,” shouted a resident of the flooded Canadian town High River after the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) came in and confiscated guns from the residents.