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Technology Review

Dow Chemical is moving full speed ahead to develop roof shingles embedded with photovoltaic cells. To facilitate the move, the U.S. Department of Energy has backed Dow's efforts with a $17.8 million tax credit that will help the company launch an ini

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We have now revised our maximum target production for the Conklin pilot to 1500 bopd and we anticipate reaching this production level in mid 2010.

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Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has urged power engineering specialists to fix energy failures without delays, Itar-Tass quotes him saying during a meeting with the regional development minister, Viktor Basargin, on Monday.

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Researchers have unveiled super-small solar cells no bigger than the pieces of glitter on your holiday ornaments and cards. These highly efficient photovoltaics could be game-changers in the burgeoning field of solar power, allowing arrays of microce

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has been produced. The scale of the remaining prize continues to draw plenty of interest The new Cardium oil play in Alberta is rapidly approaching the stature of Saskatchewan’s famous Bakken play. Both the Bakken and the Cardium are “tight” or

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Asia Times

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will soon visit the northern district of Kurdistan, aiming to sign a deal with Kurdish President Massoud Barzani regarding the future of the Peshmerga, the Kurdish militia. According to the deal, the Baghdad gover

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Asia Times

Former US vice president Dick Cheney, ex-defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld and assorted US neo-cons will have plenty of time to nurse their apoplexy. One of their key reasons to unleash the war on Iraq in 2003 was to seize control of its

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So what exactly is a fuel cell, anyway? Why are governments, private businesses and academic institutions collaborating to develop and produce them? Fuel cells generate electrical power quietly and efficiently, without pollution. Unlike power sources

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A newfound fungus living in rainforest trees makes biofuel more efficiently than any other known method, researchers say. In fact, it's so good at turning plant matter into fuel that researchers say their discovery calls into question the whole theor

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Irish company Steorn Ltd. starts a 6 week long public demonstration of their free energy technology 12/15 in Ireland, with live a live video feed. This'll be the end of the Oil cartels, carbon credits, Solar and Wind endeavors, and energy utilitie

News Link • Global Reported By Hoyt A. Stearns,jr.
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Organig LEDs hold large promise for efficient, thin and flexible lighting elements (as well as razor-thin TVs), but low-tech power sources continue to constrain more creative uses of the lights. After all, what good is a shirt of woven LEDs if you ne

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Typical chemical batteries just don't cut it when a device needs to run for years without fail. Enter the betavoltaics, or tiny nuclear batteries that harvest energy from radioactive sources such as tritium. Now a company called Widetronix has dev

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Technology Review

Solar Impulse's HB-SIA, which was finished this past summer, taxied down a runway using power from the 11,000 solar cells covering its wings and did a series of acceleration and braking tests. The next test will be revving up the plane to its 35km/ho

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Technology Review

Researchers at the University of Illinois have now come up with self-assembling spherical solar cells capable of capturing more sunlight than flat ones.

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Imagine wrapping paper that could be a gift in and of itself because it lights up with words like "Happy Birthday." That is one potential application of a new biodegradable battery made of cellulose, the stuff of paper.

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This project will highlight the applicability of the THAI technology in Saskatchewan's conventional heavy oil resource base. We believe that a significant portion of the Province's estimated 20 billion barrels of unrecovered conventional heavy oil

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Technology Review

Solar cells made from cheap nanocrystal-based inks have the potential to be as efficient as the conventional inorganic cells currently used in solar panels, but can be printed less expensively. Solexant, a company in San Jose, CA, is currently manufa

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For around 13 grand, Electric Cars of Springfield (ECOS) will turn your old beater into an all-electric commuter car. But for a few bucks (around $77,000) more, they'll build you an entire, turn-key sports car. It's called the Harbinger. It hits an e

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Technology Review

Batteries that harvest energy from the nuclear decay of isotopes can produce very low levels of current and last for decades without needing to be replaced. A new version of the batteries, called betavoltaics, is being developed by an Ithaca, NY-base

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Creating Hydrogen From Algae By isolating the photosynthesizing parts of a certain thermophilic blue-green algae and catalyzing it with light and platinum, researchers have produced clean, sustainable quantities of hydrogen that could one day power o
