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Terrence Aym

In an amazing technological leap ahead, a team of brilliant scientists from the US and Switzerland joined forces to construct the prototype for a wondrous machine that captures the sun's energy and converts it to usable liquid fuels. The UK's Guard

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Scientists from the US and Switzerland have created a prototype machine that harnesses the sun's energy to make liquid fuels from water. The solar device uses sunlight and cerium oxide to break down water into hydrogen

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Are people in California are that ignorant of what is going on in the world around them? Here they go again - passing a new initiative to crank down greenhouse gas emissions and crank up costs - because they are going to save us all from ourselves

News Link • Global Reported By Rich Hilts
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How do you bottle sunlight? It's the major hurdle preventing renewable energy's acceptance into the mainstream. The moment the sun sets or the wind drops, that energy source shuts down for

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ansport and power networks will grow together more strongly as a result of electromobility, because electric vehicles will not only tank up on electricity but will also make their batteries available to the power grid as storage devices.

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The ambitious company seems to want to become the Dell Computers of flow batteries. It plans on bringing out a variety of flow batteries -- ranging from the HomeFlow to a 6 megawatt-hour/2-megawatt behemoth that would function like a

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The European Union's energy chief Wednesday unveiled an ambitious 10-year trillion-euro energy investment plan for a single EU energy network to cut fossil fuel imports and fight climate change. "There is no single energy market," Energy Commissioner

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Free Patriot Press

The New York Post recently wrote, the “EPA sided with the ethanol cheerleaders by announcing that it will allow the amount of ethanol in automotive fuel to rise by some 50 percent, from the current 10 percent blend to a 15 percent level.” Adding that

News Link • Global Reported By Darryl W. Perry
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. Diesel provided nearly 20 percent of the power to the Kodiak Electric Association’s grid in 2009, as the wind project was just coming online. This year, that figure was down to 7.7 percent as of August 31.

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The company intends to pump water to the rocks, where it will heat up before returning to the surface at around 200 °C, and under pressure. The hot water will be run through a heat exchanger to drive a steam turbine, providing 10 MW of electricity t

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When electrical power was first developed, we had Niagara Falls and a generation later we had the Hoover Dam. Both got paid out and power was so cheap it had to be almost given away to industrial users. We can now return to that situation rather

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New research produced by Southern Methodist University's Geothermal Laboratory, funded by a grant from, suggests that the temperature of the Earth beneath the state of West Virginia is significantly higher than previously estimated and ca

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By 2030, wind energy would produce 5,400 TWh -- 18.8 to 21.8 percent of the world's power supply, the report said. The more conservative "reference" scenario based on figures from the UN's International Energy Agency saw wind power triple in