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Economy - Economics USA

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Article Image, By Steve Holland

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney returned to his economic message on Friday, highlighting a "bridge to nowhere" rebuilt by stimulus money and warning the U.S. economy could suffer a fiscal crisis like California's if he is not elected in

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Nick Hanauer

Is that THUH question?! How about taxing nobody at all? That sounds even better. Ron Paul has the best idea. Be that as it may, some good points (to be placed somewhere between at least plausible and completely absolutely valid) about "the econo

News Link • Global Reported By Dennis Treybil
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Alex welcomes long-time returning guest and contributing writer Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to discuss the impact of the Euro’s instability on world markets amidst looming fears of Greece’s departure.

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Since 2010, and directly coinciding with the time millions of Americans used up their 99 weeks of unemployment insurance, disability claims have risen by 2.2 million. And precisely like Americans who have given up looking for work, those receiving di

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The Brewers Association reports record exports of American craft beer in 2011. American craft breweries exported more than 110,000 barrels of beer in 2011, valued at an estimated $23.4 million — an increase of 86% by volume and 97% by dollars over 20

News Link • Global Reported By Drunk On Liberty
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Wall Street Journal

When the next crisis brings a major financial firm to its knees, U.S. regulators will seize the parent company but allow its units around the globe to keep operating while the mess is cleaned up, according to a planned announcement Thursday from the

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Vedran Vuk

Recently, Texas Congressman and Republican Presidential Candidate Ron Paul debated Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman. Vedran Vuk of Casey Research breaks down the debate in this insightful article from Ron Paul schools Krugm

Article Image, by Bob Chapman

Real estate investors competing to buy Manhattan apartment buildings have sent prices to record highs as rental demand surges, reducing yields on the properties to the lowest in more than six years.

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