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Economy - Economics USA

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Article Image,By Prashant Gopal & Clea Benson

The U.S. homeownership rate, which soared to a record high 69.2 percent in 2004, is back where it was two decades ago, before the housing bubble inflated, busted and ripped more than 7 million Americans from their homes.

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These two charts say it all, personal income growth is crashing, while the cost of renting a house is climbing. Not a good combination. Rents are climbing because there IS price inflation thanks to Fed money printing. Personal income is declining tha

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That is, he proposes measures sure to make even more people poor. The study described below got headlines by revealing that four out of five Americans have been or are in or near poverty. At this site, we have consistently argued that present e

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Video description: In the war on Wall Street, Lyndon LaRouche has launched three critical flanks: 1. A new Pecora Commission must be convened; 2. We need a full expose of who in Congress actually belongs to Wall Street; 3. In the wake of what h

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John Stossel discusses the demise that is Detroit with guests Darcy Olsen and Shikha Dalmia, regarding causes behind the Detroit collapse and other cities following a different model running in the black unlike the bankrupt situation facing Detroit.

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I have a plan that would cost the state of Michigan nothing – not a cent. It wouldn’t cost DC anything either, and it would turn Detroit into the most thriving city in North America. As a bonus, it would give the remaining property owners in Detroit

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In reality, of course, markets don’t just reward the enterprising. They reward the price-fixers and the union-busters, the monopolists and the just-plain lucky. And if you inherit grand fortune, the market will merrily heap rewards your way year af

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Looking to retake the initiative on Americans’ number 1 concern, President Obama will deliver 3 speeches on the economy. The addresses, set for Wednesday and Thursday, come as Obama has been struggling with issues largely

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A CBC News interview with Heidi Ewing discussing the economic plight facing the city and residence of Detroit, Michigan along with her documentary Detropia.

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Everything is going to be just great. Haven’t you heard? The stock market is at an all-time high, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke says that inflation is incredibly low, and the official unemployment rate has been steadily declining since earl

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The fact is, long after Detroit’s decline had become obvious, the city’s government kept borrowing and lenders kept lending. Some of the municipal debt against the future was hidden in the city’s own books in the form of off-balance-sheet pension

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But for the big unions to use these terms publicly gives you an idea just how bad an idea Obamcare is. That they would hand such language to their opponents is remarkable. Think about how bad they must think things are going to get for the Teamsters