Detroit Files For Bankruptcy
• Lew Rockwell blogAs is often the case, Matthew Yglesias offers up an unsophisticated and lifeless assessment of the issue in about 190 dull-as-dishwater words. Ho hum. But he made it into the “firsters” club.
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As is often the case, Matthew Yglesias offers up an unsophisticated and lifeless assessment of the issue in about 190 dull-as-dishwater words. Ho hum. But he made it into the “firsters” club.
Presenting default you can believe in, as the largest municipal bankruptcy in US history, involing the one-time iconic "motor city" which now has a population of 700,000 and some $20 billion in liabilities, is about to become reality.
When you add maturing debt to the new debt that the federal government is accumulating, the total is quite eye catching. You see, the truth is that the U.S. government must not only borrow enough money to fund government spending for this year, it m
This is an introduction to collections, charge off, repossession, and the current debt cycle that many good people are finding themselves in. It will be a generalization of the rules and laws as they differ from state to state.
We are printing money, just not literally, Bernanke told policymakers, while contradicting himself regarding recent record highs in stock markets, first attributing them both to the strength of the economy and the impacts of monetary policy.
When writing historical things, I try to include perspective from people who actually lived through the events. And for money issues in the US, I’m able to do that back to about 1905.
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke highlights risks to the Fed’s economic outlook in his prepared testimony to Congress Wednesday.
We have forgotten that it was once possible for an average person to accumulate money. The truth is that productive people should be comfortable. Well-off, as they used to say.
Common sense seems to dictate that rising mortgage rates will hurt the housing market by depressing the demand for purchase-money mortgages.
Barry Hess joins Ernest in studio to discuss libertarian issues - John Whitehead (Rutherford Institute) comes on to discuss new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State - Charles Goyette provides us with a market update
The Raw Feed's team of investigative journalists, who host a net radio show, www.TheRawFeedLive.Com are taking their show on the road and will be going to Nevada on Monday Aug 19 thru Aug 22 2013 to report LIVE on the underground cities of homeless w
Barry Hess joins Ernest in studio to discuss libertarian issues - John Whitehead (Rutherford Institute) comes on to discuss new book, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State - Charles Goyette provides us with a market update
Meet Sam Nichols and Glenn Woodbury, who volunteer with a group called Citizens Against Crime. They began patrolling the back roads of the county last summer after staffing at the sheriff's office was gutted by budget cuts.
Do you remember the promise of the New Economy that was going to replace the lost “dirty fingernail” manufacturing jobs with innovative highly paid New Economy jobs? Well, the promise was just another deception from the elites who have stolen America
Take immediate steps to protect your wealth . . . NOW!
Matt Papke (r3VOLutinary) filed to run for Tempe City Council - Jeff Kennedy (Chief Commodity Analyst at Elliott Wave International) provides a market update ElliottWave predicted $20 Silver in Feb. and now predicts $15... and lower!!!
The New York Times had the definitive take on the vicious sell off in gold. To summarize one of their articles:
Gold prices have tumbled since their $1,900 peak in 2011. The yellow metal slumped into a bear market in April, and now prices are just above $1,200.
Here's some more data from AEI's Mark Perry showing the insane surge in Texas oil production:
Did you know that U.S. banks have more than 1.8 trillion dollars parked at the Federal Reserve and that the Fed is actually paying them not to lend that money to us?
The latest food stamp usage data was released with very little attention from the media. 47.7 million Americans are on food assistance spanning a record 23.1 million families. Americans on food stamps reflects deep structural issues in the way our
More than 7 million students will see interest rates on their student loans double from 3.4 to 6.8 percent on Monday, after the failure of Congress to pass legislation to prevent the automatic rate hike that they successfully deferred for a year last
Ask anyone in town where the best burger is, and Late’s will likely top the list. And both the manager and the owner seem to understand the economic landscape — and the government’s “quantitative easing” polices, or money-printing.
The intention of this article is to share with you how we decided on a homestead location and how we intend to get there. There are many ways to skin a cat.
The vast majority of Americans are going to be absolutely blindsided by what is coming.
Do you want to know the primary reason why rapidly rising interest rates could take down the entire global financial system?
Did you actually think that mortgage rates were going to stay at all-time lows forever?
The bloodbath in the bond markets has led some 'greatly rotating' commentators to see this as the end of the long bull market (and the beginning of a lost decade for Treasuries);
It's been a long time since Hilsenrath actually reported news instead of serve as a leak dissemination service for the New York Fed.
A great in-depth article on David Stockman, gadfly, revolutionary, Washington insider/outsider, and friend of Against Crony Capitalism. The entire establishment hates Mr. Stockman because for the most part he is right, and that means bad things fo