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Space Travel and Exploration

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The space above you is fizzing with activity as bubbles of superhot gas constantly grow and pop around Earth, scientists announced today. Astronomers found the activity up where Earth's magnetic field meets a constant stream of particles flowi

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Scientists now have the ability to contrast day/night Mars imagery to bring to light the red planet as never before. NASA’s Mars Odyssey spacecraft has been orbiting that distant planet since October 2001. Among a set of onboard instruments is the

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Bell discusses astronomical sight-seeing utilizing Spirit, fresh from a laborious trek up Husband Hill within the Columbia Hills at the robot’s Gusev Crater exploration zone. "... the prospect of stargazing from the surface of another world.”

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Astronomers have detected three new rocky bodies which share the same orbit as Neptune as it travels around the Sun. The finding brings the total number of the gas giant's asteroid companions, or “Trojans,” up to four.

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A super-powerful computer has simulated what it might take to keep Earth safe from a menacing asteroid. Boslough first noted that there are two "end-member strategies" in the Golevka work: Deflection and disruption

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Associated press

The survival of the human race depends on its ability to find new homes elsewhere in the universe because there's an increasing risk that a disaster will destroy the Earth, world-renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking said.

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Astronomers have uncovered a frenzy of star forming activity in the dusty cores of two merging galaxies 250 million light-years away. With the aid of NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, the researchers spied more than 200 mammoth star clusters in Arp

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An asteroid that has been corkscrewing around Earth in recent years is heading for deep space today, according to NASA. The object, named 2003 YN107, was discovered in 2003. It arrived in Earth's vicinity 1999, scientists have calculated.

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A ghostly blue blob amid a swarm of red dots in a new cosmic image is the superhot intergalactic gas permeating the space within the most distant cluster of galaxies found to date. Located nearly 10 billion light-years away, Cluster XMMXCS 2215-1738

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Scientists have detected large amounts of carbon gas in a newly forming solar system around Beta Pictoris, a nearby young star. Carbon has specific atomic quirks that render it immune to most of the energy pouring out of the star as light. Like a gho

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USA Today

The mission, beginning its science phase on Monday, will unravel part of the puzzle that is Earth's closest neighbor. Venus is the same size as Earth, but its toxic atmosphere is made almost entirely of carbon dioxide. (Earth's is mostly nitr

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A Japanese spacecraft that landed on an asteroid found a ball of rubble held loosely together by its own gravity, unlike other asteroids that have been visited. Taking several measurements before landing briefly on the orbiting gravel pile.

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The good news is that all vehicle systems, including the main engine, thrust vector control, structures, avionics, software, guidance algorithm, etc. were picture perfect. Falcon's trajectory was within 0.2 degrees of nominal during powered flig

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Voyager 2 could pass beyond the outermost layer of our solar system, called the "termination shock," sometime within the next year. Comes a year after Voyager 1's crossing, comes earlier than expected and suggests the edge of the shock

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By Todd Halvorson, Florida Today

CAPE CANAVERAL — Shuttle Discovery is scheduled to head out to its Kennedy Space Center launch pad during the predawn hours Friday, a move highly anticipated by a workforce still striving to recover from the 2003 Columbia accident.

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What is fuelling this libertarian streak in the space advocacy community? For starters, NASA has been struggling to get the Shuttle returned to flight, while small private ventures like Rutan’s success with SpaceShipOne in 2004 have generated excitem

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Associated Press

[You didn't think you were going to the moon without government, did you?] NASA said it is sponsoring a $2 million contest to spur aerospace designers to build and demonstrate versatile rockets that may one day support a lunar mission.

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Saturn's moon Titan has huge regions covered with dunes, possibly made out of ice crystals, sand or some other unknown material. Images of Titan beamed back to earth from the joint U.S.-European Cassini mission look very much like sand dunes in

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Observations of "starquakes" have allowed scientists to estimate the thickness of a neutron star's crust for the first time. Neutron stars are very dense objects that mark the endpoints of the lives of some stars. Using a techniqu

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