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Space Travel and Exploration

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Human space flight has always been “untouchable.” It has been for big companies or governments only to take on. But Copenhagen Suborbitals would like to show the world that it can be done by thinking unconventionally in all areas

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The object is so distant that we cannot resolve its shape. But this brightness oscillation, called a lightcurve, reveals the strange shape of 2001QG298 as it spins round. The object appears faint at times because one lobe is hidden behind the other,

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Terrence Aym

A visionary commercial spaceplane has been announced by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines after entering into a partnership with Michiel Mol, a multi-billionaire software entrepreneur, founder and CEO of Space Expedition Curacao (SXC). The plane would take of

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Terrence Aym

Neil Armstrong, 81, is a pioneer, hero, astronaut, and the first human to set foot upon another world. He's also disgusted. The man with the "right stuff" has had it with the direction America is going in space and he wants the world to know just

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Terrence Aym

Two astrobiologists charge NASA killed Martian life with its space missions ... Scientist Gilbert Levin insists his biology experiment proved life is in the Martian soil. Dirk Schulze-Makuch, an astrobiologist at Washington State University and his G

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Terrence Aym

China is serious about its intentions to get to the Moon and its next step is to build a space station. Not content with the International Space Station (ISS) that's currently orbiting the Earth funded and used by the US, Russia and Europe, China

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym
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Both moons are extremely odd, especially the tumbling moon of fear: Phobos. Two facts deeply troubled Shklovsky. First, both moons are too small. No other planet in the solar system has moons as tiny as the Martian moons. Second, their origin bothere

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Terrence Aym

Disasters happen in space. The Soviets lost Cosmonauts and NASA lost astronauts during the Apollo and Space Shuttle programs. But forward thinking is something NASA normally excels at and now the US space agency is taking a second look at an old idea

News Link • Global Reported By Terrence Aym