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Israel’s Jerusalem Post newspaper recently published an article calling Israel “The New Golden Country” for young people from around the world. It reports that Israel boasts an ever-increasing GDP, a strong currency, and “a lower unemployment rate th

Article Image Ray McGovern: My Take

Stuffing my backpack before setting out to board “The Audacity of Hope,” the U.S. boat to Gaza, I got a familiar-sounding call from yet another puzzled friend, who said as gently as the words allow, “You know you can get killed, don’t you?”

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Welcome to The 800 Pound Gorilla

The Israeli Mossad is ruthless and cunning, with the capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian-Arab act.” U.S. Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS); September 2001 Who leased the World Trade Center (WTC) only se

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