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Techno Gadgets

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Rumor has it that Apple's working on a TV set, one that might run a variant of the iOS operating system. But does it make sense?

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Steve Jobs, mastermind behind Apple, has resigned as CEO of the company effective immediately. Tim Cook, formerly Apple, Inc’s chief operating officer, has been named the new CEO, Apple’s board of directors announced on Wednesday. Jobs has been appoi

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 Dear Sir/Madam, I am an architect (currently unregistered), and have investigated the 3D printer technology.  The Z-Corp  Color Printer is priced (or was 12-18 months ago) at near $75,000.  So I am intrigued by the possiblity of

Letters to the Editor • Global
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Just when you thought it was safe to get out of the water ... Incredible remote controlled flying fish emerge from the world of awesome! Click to see more! Age 8 and up.