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Techno Gadgets

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The fact that Canon chose to release its new camera on the Paramount lot in Hollywood should be a big clue as to how it is positioning it's new baby. Scorsese was there! Ron Howard was there!

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But does this latest announcement reveal a weak spot in national security, or is it simply propaganda to usher in stricter Internet and communication controls with even more funding for the military-industrial complex to combat this "new" threat?.

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Former rebels took apart 14.5mm machine guns from Russian-designed ZPU-4 antiaircraft weapons and mounted each one on a pickup truck. They did the same with ZU-23mms, Soviet anti-aircraft twin-barreled autocannons, and Grad multiple rocket launchers.

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Users of the Pulse Phone app may be justifiably impressed at the way in which it lets them measure their heart rate, simply by placing their finger over their iPhone's camera lens. Well, a biomedical engineer has taken that concept several steps far

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Recently I was looking for a way to record some long distance sounds, and thought of a solution for Listening post observation posts. I discovered an old Dish Network or Direct TV dish will work fine with a microphone mounted to it.

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With around two trillion text messages sent in America alone every year, SMS text messaging is the most widely used data application in the world and the number two use of mobile phones - the first being to check the time.

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iPhone 4S owners are poised to become members of an elite class. Their new phones boast an improved camera, dual antennae and an unpaid personal intern named Siri — all relevant talking points in “Who’s got the real iPhone?” one-upsmanship battles.

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The company announced that the new phone will run from $199 to $399 when it goes on sale in the U.S. on October 14. The original iPhone 4 (8GB), meanwhile, will be knocked down to $99, and the the 3GS will be free with a two-year contract.

Article Image Inc introduced its eagerly awaited tablet computer on Wednesday with a price tag that could make it the first strong competitor in a tablet market that has been dominated by Apple Inc's iPad. The new device is priced at $199

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To hear enthusiasts tell it, the technique of additive manufacturing, better known as 3D printing, has the potential to change not just manufacturing, but the world. Tomorrow, everyone will have a 3D printer on their desk and make their own sneakers

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Effusions of gamma rays, clouds of X-rays, “filaments, clouds, shells”, all known technically, if I recall, as space gush. Columbia Hubble Fellow Joshua Peek collaborated with app developer Xperia to make an Android app, The Invisible Universe
